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Just like Mark90

Les Henson

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Tit tut Les, don't you know you're not supposed to question anyone on LRO especially the 'regulars'. Proper form would be simply to congratulate the poster on whatever they had posted giving them a good hearty slap on the back. Or just post inane rubbish :rolleyes:

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If you're interested in the matter raised, and it says that the author is not going to reply, why post? if you were actually interested, surely it would have been sensible to email him directly, as advised?

..and running back here to boast is a little petty isn't it?


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Not the only one then, had an arguement with a regular over there about wiring philosphy, didn't let the prat know that I was an aircraft avionics designer with all the standards and information I could ever care about such topics sat by me on my desk. Don't go there anymore :angry:

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Bit of a toys from pram time ?...thread locked ?...well I'll post it here then for anyone who wants to read it ??

How do I know, ...........cos I tried to popst this : and it said so........

Its not as easy as many think.

Les has some points here, which seem unanswered.....and no I am not intersted in any sort of stirring, ............but there are problems with this sort of thing......its not something that potentail do gooders or enthusiasts should do without extreme care....and this doesn't quite make me think the later.....

1. Your insurers, they may take a dim view of you doing this, and it may well invalidate your personal 4x4 insurance.

2. Qualifications, S&R goes wrong, sometimes horribly.

What insurance have you to protect yourself ?...you shove someone who is injured in some way then have a prang / dmaage / accident / bounce hard and injure the individual worse, you are now liable, the courts would ask

A.) who trained you ?

B.) what qualifications have you ?

C.) what pi cover have yopu that can be cliamed on ?...if you have none then you can be personally sued.

D.) whose authority are you opertaing on, and what have you got to prove it ?

E) if you doubt this look at the "Sue you Sir" ads on sky ?

having a 4x4 and a keeness to help may well be a honourable sentiment, but in this litigous society be very veery very careful what you place yourselves into...you may find the proffesionals have a differing view as to what you can can't may and maynot do and also could have a series of questions that make you go "ahhh"...

Thats why these ideas often fall in the early steps...............


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We had all this with Somerset 4x4 Response. We are now on the official list of voluntry agencies for Somerset, Avon, and I think if not already then in the pipeline for Devon and Wiltshire. As I understand it we are covered under the counties insurance policy if they call us out as we are acting on their behalf.

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Tit tut Les, don't you know you're not supposed to question anyone on LRO especially the 'regulars'.

Well, Les, we can't have you being kicked without good cause. See how long this one stays up. I think your questions were reasonable - far better that any pre-qualifications are made clear in the invitation rather than flooding the service with expressions of interest that can't be taken any further.

Ever read J P Donleavy's 'The Ginger Man' Les? Learn some great put downs. [And I know you've got this thing about red hair....beats me!]


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Why didn't Les post along the lines that HFH has? why all the sly questions, why not offer advice and support rather than condemnation?

Thats 'cos he 'aint nowhere near as elloquent as me und what I iz ,........

Sorry must go now, ...PMSL as (apart from the fact Les is going to kill me for this), I am in shock that anyone thinks I'm right or has a point over Les :blink::P

Wonders never cease :huh:

Nige "the right one" mi7.gif

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All I did was post a couple of questions in the hope that someone might know the answer.

That's all, no intended trouble-making or anything. A thread asked if anyone was interested in a similar thing in Wiltshire, then I saw the NE one and asked about it.

If K44LDY took offense at my posts, she need not have replied to them. She did, and then took offense at my reply, how bluddy daft is that?

I'm sure I don't antagonise anyone on purpose.

Landymanluke- what sly questions are those?

I merely asked two questions - please tell me/us which one was sly?

As far as I see it, Scorpio answered everything in one simple reply. It doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to work out now does it?

What a shame, still, you live and learn.

Les. :)

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As the replies have been deleted, we once again find ourselves in the position of now not being able to see what caused all the comotion in the first place.

Perhaps sly was the wrong word to use, the point i was trying to make was that, judging by the wording of your posts, and the phrasing of your questions, it would appear that you knew the answers already. if that was the case, a constructive, insightful, reply would have proved more useful to those viewing the post.

if that wasn't the case, then i of course apologise for drawing those conclusions.



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Ok Luke, fair enough.

The initial post was asking for volunteers for the 4x4 response for the NE area. There's also a thread asking if anyone was interested in starting the same sort of group for Wiltshire (where I live)

I asked about what qualifications were needed to this. and was told that training and assessment were done for those wishing to take part. I then asked 2-questions

Who assessed me(?)

What (if they weren't a recognised professional body), they how did they qualify to train me (?)

Everything else was just stupid. I wanted to know the answer to these two questions, and that was all.

Scorpio gave me information to end the thread, and I said thanks.

K44LDY continued, and I responded (without any form of insult)

My post on here was a reflection of the continuing stupidity of that thread. If you haven't read it, why are you now critiscising me?

So, what did I do wrong?

Or maybe because you haven't read the whole thread, you don't know exactly who is right or wrong.

As an aside - I don't generally go onto other websites for the sole purpose of causing trouble.

If I thought anyone was an idiot (or any other rude remark), I would do it via pm or e-mail.


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I read the posts from start to finish, before they were removed, and my comments still hold.

You asked questions, Scorp answered them for you. problem solved as far as i'm concerned, if that was your intention, no problem.

If I had been in your postion, living in Wilts, I would have posted my questions on the Wilts related thread, which was evidently open to discussion, rather than the NE England thread which appeared to me to simply serve as a notice, to provide contact details for those interested.

End of, as far as i'm concerned. No hard feelings intended.


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Ok, I understand. I didn't realise that you had read it all, so sorry for my comment.

The Wilts thread just asked if anyone was interested. The NE one just 'caught my eye' - and no other reason at all, so I asked my questions. Are you saying that if I had posted those same questions on the Wilts thread - then there would have been no problem at all?

And as I assumed that there were other forum members that were already members of a similar

professional bodies, the same 'rules' would have applied to any post I made concerning this matter.

If anyone took ANY offense at what I posted, then there was no reason to do so. What possible reason would I have to do that?


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Of course I don't know, but i suspect that if you'd asked on the other thread we wouldn't be here now, as all this wouldn't have happened.

I think your questions had more relevance, ergo would have been answered better, on the Wilts thread.

and that's about it.

can we spit and shake now? or do something at least, I have no intention to drag this out all evening.


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