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wireing up a range rover


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Hi, we have got a classic range rover 3.5 inj and the thing just keeps mucking about!! one min its fine the next it runs like a bag of poo!! we have tryed everything we know swopping things but cant sort it out!! even took the fuel tank out and run are own pump!! but still go's sick..... ! being in to banger racing for a few years most cars you could wire up getting rid of 10 tone of wires!! just down to basic power on and start button, Anyone know how to wire one up??????? I know there is an ecu but it must be able to be done.. I am going to start doing a petrol 3.9 discovery auto soon for off roading and would like to do the same thing



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You are going to have to be a bit more explicit about the "poo" bit :ph34r::lol: !

There are people on here who can diagonse pretty successfully, (I am not one of them!), but some detailled description of the problems you are having would help.

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There's a huge troubleshooting manual in the Technical Archive, look in the index for "Flapper EFI", work through it and you should either fix it or have a good idea what's wrong.

The 3.9 will be Hotwire not Flapper, so more complicated and fussy.

Should I mention MegaSquirt now? :ph34r:

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Iv'e seen several R/R with the same prob, it will run very well and then turn into a bag of sh, my bet's on the ignition amp but something in the back of my mind says, A conection prob on the loom running through the valley between cylinder heads and feeding the dizzy.

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