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dodgy PAS system


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Steering is decidedly odd at the moment and i need to work out if it's caused by a dodgy pump, Box or both (or just needs a good fluid change)

Pump is very noisy and especially in the mornings there is a decidedly odd feel to the steering- best way to describe it is that the steering feels like it is taking a while to catch up to the wheel- it shudders in "steps".

With the car stationary and the engine runing it can sometimes be impossible to turn the steering wheel- it's like you've hit a brick wall in the steering system and you're not getting any assistance- I get this off road quite a lot.

Steering is groaning quite a lot when under pressure.

Fluid level is good although i have no idea when it was last changed.

What are the likely causes and what should i be looking to do about it? I'm presuming this is a pump issue as a) it's so noisy and B) the steering works better when there are some revs through the engine. Alos i thought box problems manifested themelves in a more constant manner - ie constantly heavy or contstantly juddery.

Any surefire diagnostic tips are much appreciated.

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Had similar problems which came to a nearly ctastrophic result when the steering "locked" comming out of a corner on the main road - shear strength and panic allowed me to get the wheels straigh again. The problem was the UJs on the stearing shaft and the bearing in the steering colum. I had to change the UJs but am told that if caught in time you can save them.


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