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GKN Overdrive and Disco transfer box in Defender

Guest wunntenn

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Guest wunntenn

I've a Defender which used to have a 19J in it and now has a Defender 200tdi currently using the original transfer box.

I have a GKN o/drive fitted which makes driving a little more relaxed. There is a problem though, where if I drive a long distance and get the drivetrain hot then park overnight, I have no drive in the morning for several seconds when I let the clutch out. The engine spins and over-revs the van sloooowly drifts forwards and gradually picks up some momentum but in a totally gutless way. After 20 seconds or so I have full drive. Interestingly I have (apparently) full power in reverse whilst this is happening.

This all seemed to occur immediately after having a garage fit a new clutch, and I wonder if some grease or other contaminant is on the clutch release mechanism which softens when hot and congeals when cold, thus causing the problem. Replacing master and slave cylinders had no effect on rectifying this.

Anyone think some contamination on clutch is a likely cause?

I have heard there are 'problems' with the GKN o/drive and wonder if thats the cause? Anyone have a GKN and have these symptoms?

I am having some upgrade work done shortly, engine overhaul and improved intercooler and turbo and wonder if the following is a sensible course of action:

As I have no idea if its the GKN or a clutch problem and wont find out until its apart and am not doing the work myself, I am contemplating having the Defender transfer box changed for a Disco unit when the van is apart, and then reinstalling the GKN - Will it fit the Disco box?

My thinking is that if the problem is the GKN starting to fail, I can then whip it out when it does and replace the Disco gear in the hole in its place and still enjoy the better gearing from the Disco ratios. And if the GKN is not failing I might have even more relaxed cruising with the combination of GKN and Disco transfer unit.

That is assuming ithe GKN will fit the Disco box - will it?

And assuming I dont end up with such tall gearing I cant run it properly - is this likely?

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It won't fit the disco box as the input gear will have wrong number of teeth. You could have bought the correct gear from GKN but they have sold all the stock etc apart from some warranty spares to a company in the US.

Your problem will almost certainly be the overdrive and a slipping brake, they lock solid in reverse. Try changing the oil in it, they rely on hydraulics to shift. My overdrive is in bits at the moment as I have a bearing gone in it.

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Guest wunntenn

Thanks people - very helpful. Out of curiosity (as I'll find out from GKN shortly) are GKN still handling servicing and repairs on them or have they given up completely?

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Guest wunntenn

I'll answer my own question - GKN dont handle anything to do with them anymore and have suggested/recommended Devon 4x4 as being the best option for service and advice. I contacted them and they were incredibly helpful. Hope this helps anyone else with a problem.

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If you want to know how one works, do a search on Laycock and volvo 240. Lots of rebuild info there, the LR unit is an updated version of it, the main clutch, sun and planet gears etc are same or similar.

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I was planning to buy a GKN Overdrive for my 110 but after them stopping manufacture I am probably going to give it a miss. As much as I would still like one spending £1000 on something that has moving parts that can wear and possibly be hard to replace is worrying. I kind of missed out as I could have maybe got an employee discount, too late now though.

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