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Not quite sodbury but ....................


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I'll certainly pencil that into my diary

While discussing all things Land Rover with a friend of mine yesterday, he was informed of the possibility of an Old Sodbury alternative being held in the Essex area. This one makes more sense for us Bristolians whith it being held in Wiltshire. I'll certainly put the word out on this one.

Excuse my ignorance I believe Old Sods was cancelled indefinitely after some or other "accident" occured there. I didn't attend the second Old Sods 2007, so I guess this is hear say

Does anyone know the reason why closed this legendary event?

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Forty quid to take a van !!!!! only paid 15 for landrover clearout

Had to do a double take.

Misread it first time and thought you were complaining about "forty quid to take a van" when you had only paid 15 for it.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Had to do a double take.

Misread it first time and thought you were complaining about "forty quid to take a van" when you had only paid 15 for it.



How many are thinking of going to this tomorrow...bearing in mind the weather is supposed to be awful (my Landy doesn't care if it's blowing a hooly and wet...but I do!!!)


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Guest diesel_jim

I was chatting to chap up near Cardiff last night, he's coming down tomorrow for a stall.

apparently buyers and sellers are all being allowed in at the same time... thats should be "interesting" to say the least...

not too chaotic then. :blink:

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