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Dont know exact dates yet Pete. I expect somewhere around mid-July. Going away for 2 weeks.

Was going to go to Morocco, but the ferry from Algecerias to Cueta rises by 500% at that time of year, so on principle, am not bothering.....will go later in the year instead.


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Nice thread that.

Theres another option then.......anyone fany taking me up on the spare seat offer, and anyone wanting to join in their own vehicle is also welcome.

Didn't really think of making an open offer.

I will be taking the Dover - Dunkirk ferry. There is just something about spending several hundred sheets for something like a ferry, that seems very much like a waste of money to me. I'd rather spend a bit more on fuel & enjoy myself driving & seeing a bit of France.

Maybe I should start a new thread with an open offer?


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As Tim hinted, we had a wonderful time and enjoyed some magnificent sights and brought back some terrific memories. I would recommend it to anyone as a great first trip to the foreign. Ask Mo Murphy if you would like the mystery tour of France on the way there. :P


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Chris, where did you end up in the Pyrenees then? I have spoken to Mo last week & he said it was good. Up until Sunday night, I had my heart set on Morocco, but after finding the prices rise THAT much in summer, not prepared to pay it on principle.

As such, I have no real plans for Pyrenees jaunt. Got an idea I want to spend most time in Navarra region, but not set in stone.

What would you recommend then?


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We did a route that took us from near Pau, off road for a few days heading east (excellent wild camping!) and then headed to Andorra where we went up a very high mountain (ski centre), stayed in a very cheap but very nice hotel and did some duty free shopping before getting caught by a speed camera (nothing heard) and heading back through France via Carcassonne (car crash), Narbonne (Pugwash had to visit the VD clinic there!) and the Milau bridge (where it was foggy!).


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As Tim hinted, we had a wonderful time and enjoyed some magnificent sights and brought back some terrific memories. I would recommend it to anyone as a great first trip to the foreign. Ask Mo Murphy if you would like the mystery tour of France on the way there. :P


Oh, like I was the only one navigationally challenged !

Martin, I merely relied on tomtom to take us on the first stage of the journey from Dunkirk. I had made up an itinerary to take us from home to our first overnight stay, unfortunately I didn't realise that as you reach each stage of the itinerary you have to manually clear it to move onto the next stage. So as we rolled out of Dunkirk it tried to get us back to Dover, via it's default crossing of the Channel Tunnel and we ended up at the Chunnel terminal ... which looks remarkably like the peage station that I thought it was :)

I was not alone in making navigational errors but I shall leave the others unnamed.

And I dearly wish I had a photo of Chris' face when he got out of his Landy (sorry MOG) after a Citroen had impaled itself on the towbar. :)


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Oh, like I was the only one navigationally challenged !


Not too fussed at finding the way out of Dunkirk & on to Southern France.......done it several times already. Just at a bit of a loss as to what to do & where to go once Im in the Pyrenees. Your suggestions so far seem remarkably close to the tentative ideas I have in my head so far though.

LOVING the pic of yours Mo! Very nice indeed.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Martin

Is your trip still on? We are also going in July, perhaps we could tag along for some of the way. We planned to go for about two weeks leaving around the 7th/8th.

Nothing much planned yet but apart from all the exploring we would like to spend a few nights camping and the rest in hotels / B&B's, how many of each is entirely dependant on how we feel at the time.


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Hi Martin

Is your trip still on? We are also going in July, perhaps we could tag along for some of the way. We planned to go for about two weeks leaving around the 7th/8th.

Nothing much planned yet but apart from all the exploring we would like to spend a few nights camping and the rest in hotels / B&B's, how many of each is entirely dependant on how we feel at the time.


Pete, the trip is still on. I will be going a few days later than planned as I have a works thing for charity I want to do. Dates will be from 17th July now for 2 weeks.

You are more than welcome to tag along for as much or little as you want! I have managed to procure a copy of a book of waypoints & routes off-road through the Pyrenees too, which should be cool!! B)


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