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Landy Truck Cab was stolen this weekend.


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hi all,

Recently I upgraded my LR 90 truck cab and then sold it to my mate a few months ago. This weekend it got stolen and we are both gutted. I just thought I would post a message about this in case anyone gets offered or knows of this landy being offered for sale. It is very distinctive. It also also just had a recent upgrade that makes it quite noticable. it is a tremendous car..!!

It was only noticed this morning, but, it was probably stolen from the centre of Nottingham on Friday afternoon (I know this because of a CCTV picture taken of a recovery vehicle which parked itself right by it at that date and time.. Police will be progressing this..!)

It is a red truck cab, with reg number VIL 9889. It has had brand new 2" lift kit and springs, and also has a canvas back cover, new galv chassis, rock sliders, front big winch bumper and superwinch... Recently enamelled front and rear axles.

I dont think I need to go into too much detail but I will post some pictures of it..

The pics can be found here... Landy Pics



If anybody see it or has any information, can you let me know ...



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Im sorry to hear this i hope it turns up, i have linked this to another forum that i help Mod, hope you dont mind.


I dont mind whatever forum it gets added to if it helps get if found and returned..!!!



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