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300tdi wont start after head gasket repair HHHHHelp


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Hi all please any help will be better than no help I cooked the engine on my 96 300tdi while towing a knacked car for my brawd there was no warning no over heating all dials :rolleyes: were normal untill the engine just died on me when I tried to restart it then all the temp gauge went to max and the engine wouldnt turn over rac got me home ... stripped head got it checkd and skimmed it needed 0.038 to clean it up was the worse I have ever seen but my mate that skimms alot of head said it will be ok all rebuild BUT WONT BLOODY START turning over fine getting fuel but its not smoking when I am trying to start it I have checked the pushrods valve clearance injectors are spraying please please Help...... I carnt try and bump it because it's a dam auto :blink: .......... really wish I hadnt wrote My old 1 off never missed a beat many thanks for taking the time to read this

Have a good day

Ian :P

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Crack the injector feed pipes and turn it over until diesel comes out of all four. Tighten them up and it should go unless you have left the glow plugs out B) . The timing can't be wrong as it hasn't been touched. If you get no fuel out check the voltage at the cut-off switch. Not much else to go wrong if it is a standard Tdi. But if it is an EDC engine there is much more to go wrong, as said above.

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It should be an EDC at it's age, but if Fuel is coming out I can't see much else that the EDC system would mess with

Got fuel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can see me braking thissssssssssssssssss

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One month ago my 300tdi Auto 96 Jap import, EXACTLY the same problem as yours. If you look further down at the latest post on my Discofan name, I added that yesterday.This will take you though all the things I did and the helpful replies. In the end when it wouldn't start, the same as yours, and I was also beside myself as you are, I gave up and put it on a trailer and took it to the agents [can't tow automatic]. Was very worried about costs but they fixed it and charged me one hours' labour only. The fuel needed bleeding even though I'd done it 4 times myself. When I got it back it started but was difficult from cold. I tested the glow plugs with a test light and found that 2 weren't working [they were fine before the head went]. They looked perfect but only the test with the light showed two faulty[1 and 4]. It is now going a treat, hope this helps. I know EXactly how you must feel, good luck.....

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Worth a try working through what was done on Discofan's.

Just as an extra the test that Discofan did with a test light for the glows is OK, but not brilliant, if the light doesn't shine then they are definatley dead, so it's good to prove they are dead, but if it lights up it doesn't mean they are working properly, quite often they start to die so the end doesn't glow and instead they glow half way up, if this happens they become hard to start but the test light would show them up as fine.

My favourite way to test them, is to pull them out, clamp the main body part of the glow plug into a jump lead, then touch the other jump lead against the thread, just be craeful not to burn yourself or anything else

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do edc engines not self bleed then??and are they picky starting without glow plugs? iv not got mine connected and she doesnt even struggle when its icey in the middle of winter!?jim/sotal/bog monster? sorry to thread hike just interested

cheers andy

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I found my 300TDI was a real sod to start on cold mornings when it had EDC but as soon as I went to a mechanical pump I don't have to use the heaters (although they are connected and do work) at all.

I believe others have found the same.

When I did the head on mine I just did as Jim suggested and cracked all 4 injector feed pipes at the injector end and got the missus to turn the engine over on the starter motor until I had a good amount of fuel was coming out of the pipes and then (while the engine was still turning over) tightened each one up. I could hear each cylinder start to fire, I did start with the sensor injector but i'm not sure it matters.

Did the crank position sensor get disconnected when the head was removed? As it's connector is with the connector for the sensor injector.

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do edc engines not self bleed then??and are they picky starting without glow plugs? iv not got mine connected and she doesnt even struggle when its icey in the middle of winter!?jim/sotal/bog monster? sorry to thread hike just interested

cheers andy

I'm guessing yours is a non-edc then? My EDC needed them nearly all the time, except when you had just run the car. Even warmish days would require them.

I read somewhere that it is to do with the way the manuals pumps start, I think they kick in a load of excess fuel, hence why you get a puff of smoke from them in the morning. Mine was tricky/picky to start until I sorted the earth points and the starter, then it was perfect, no smoke at all, no struggling, instant fire up even in the coldest weather but it did require glow plugs every morning

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Hi all thanks for the help just to let you know just had my mate look at it had it running in minutes,,,,, but only runing on 3 and compression down on that cylinder..... he rekons the rings have gone!!!!!!!!!!! y y y y me.......... Thank gawd for bad luck or I would have no luck at all.. thanks again

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I'm guessing yours is a non-edc then? My EDC needed them nearly all the time, except when you had just run the car. Even warmish days would require them.

I read somewhere that it is to do with the way the manuals pumps start, I think they kick in a load of excess fuel, hence why you get a puff of smoke from them in the morning. Mine was tricky/picky to start until I sorted the earth points and the starter, then it was perfect, no smoke at all, no struggling, instant fire up even in the coldest weather but it did require glow plugs every morning

Hi there sotal, my '98 tdi 300 auto EDC used to be a bit of a bugler to start and always needed the glowplugs until.....I fitted the Defender non-cat downpipe. Now she fires up before I put the key - well not quite but you get the idea.

I don't understand the improved starting, but I know it to be true.



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