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Ok, this may be a stupid answer, but after 22 views to a pretty straightforward question and no responses, I thought I'd have a bash.

The main thing that springs into my brain is - why can't you just order a shock for your land rover - you don't need to state dimensions etc...?

If that is not possible for whatever reason, do you mean extended length or compressed?

If you have the landy there, why not take off a shock and measure it, if no shocks, measure the compressed distance between mountings and the full-flex distance.

Bit random, but hope it helps - perhaps you could clarify what you are after and why?

Cheers, Al.

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Ok, this may be a stupid answer, but after 22 views to a pretty straightforward question and no responses, I thought I'd have a bash.

The main thing that springs into my brain is - why can't you just order a shock for your land rover - you don't need to state dimensions etc...?

If that is not possible for whatever reason, do you mean extended length or compressed?

If you have the landy there, why not take off a shock and measure it, if no shocks, measure the compressed distance between mountings and the full-flex distance.

Bit random, but hope it helps - perhaps you could clarify what you are after and why?

Cheers, Al.

Thanks Al, the question was straight forward in my mind too, but hear goes an explanation for what its worth....The original shocks were off the series and a pal unknowingly supplied me with a set from a 109 but they are too short, as we are in short supply of landy parts dealerships here and i needed them for a outing the weekend (which ruled out having them posted from BLRC in time) I contacted a few Fast Fit/Advance type garages toi see if they would have an after market type shock, but the nice man said that he would need a size/length of the original cos he wasnt going to open 50 f&*king boxes to compare sizes.................So hence my question..........Times a pushing, i may have to re- the originals and buy through the post...............Thanks for listening...Mike

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Why not measure the originals? :huh:

Cos the nice man said its best to measure them in their relaxed unladen but in situ state (yikes sounds like a trip to the pychiatrist) which would mean re-instating them onto the vehicle and frankly they are that old (And combined with the newly fitted parabolics) I reckon I wouldnt get an accurate reading.........The hole deepens....My bad !

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I'm not having a dig at anybody but surely all the man has to know is fully compressed and fully extended messurments of the shock. As if you give him messurments with them fitted to vehicle he could supply wrong shocks as they can ether bottom out on slight bump or hit their limit whilst extended. Which isn't good for a shock. If I was you I would order specific shocks for your series or if you can afford it, fit once that would go with paras ie slightly extended [somthing like pro comp] to give you a bit more articulation. Plus you might find the shocks from fast fit place be more expensive then OE fittment. Greg

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T-Rex - I sympathise withthe urgency, but listen to GregK, he's on the money.

The guy you are dealing with sounds like a bit of a donut to me - you can't define a shock by it's length when fitted to the vehicle, un-articulated. I wouldn't buy from this guy since he obviously has no clue.

Re-fit what you have for the weekend, and order something proper.

Cheers, Al.

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T-Rex - I sympathise withthe urgency, but listen to GregK, he's on the money.

The guy you are dealing with sounds like a bit of a donut to me - you can't define a shock by it's length when fitted to the vehicle, un-articulated. I wouldn't buy from this guy since he obviously has no clue.

Re-fit what you have for the weekend, and order something proper.

I agree with everything Al said.

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Sorry if this seems like i am using this thread to plug another forum but i think these guys can help the poster find spares he needs! as they are in Ireland too!! AND ONE OF THEM IS A MAIN DEALER IN EIRE.




Thanks guys sound advice old ones going back on and contact being made with JC. Cheers im off to get mucky................

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