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buxton and district challege the damage report

dave g

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first of all congrtulations to alan and john on there win you are truly a cut above the rest

now for the damage which ended in an early bath for me (sorry chris you where a great partner we must team again some time)

1 rear diff (quick fix) :huh:

1 front winch (nead to strip and find the fault) :huh:

endless panel damage (part off the fun) ;)

1 blow engine (ended the weekend) :angry:

so now its time to drage it into the barn for a winter rebuild in time for the 2009 northern challenge serise :rolleyes:

so lets hear you report for the weekend folks

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Apart from Glynn Yates car falling to pieces Sat lunchtime, to be replaces with Dan Thomas's completely unprepared car we were doing fine, even apart the organisational dissarray, until my V8 caught fire doing a long uphill pull,

Clouds of smoke billowed out from under the bonnet only to be told by the spectators that the underbonnet had caught fire, an oil pipe to the gauge had ruptured and was spraying oil straight on to the manifold, Glynn managed to put it out with an extinguisher only to throw it onto the passenger floor where it went off again, hit me straight in the face and left me looking like frosty the snowman.

On the highwire harness section over a mudhole section, Glynn dropped the bitch supended via his winch cable in the dirt from 6 foot, he tightened the cable off goes Dan and then PLOP, face down in the dirt,

Glynn forgot the handbrake, priceless

Never had so much fun over 2 days in a long time, eat your heart out Peter Kay.

No damage apart from the pipe, exept for bruised ribs laughing at Yatesy tring to bitch.

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first of all congrtulations to alan and john on there win you are truly a cut above the rest

now for the damage which ended in an early bath for me (sorry chris you where a great partner we must team again some time)

1 rear diff (quick fix) :huh:

1 front winch (nead to strip and find the fault) :huh:

endless panel damage (part off the fun) ;)

1 blow engine (ended the weekend) :angry:

so now its time to drage it into the barn for a winter rebuild in time for the 2009 northern challenge serise :rolleyes:

so lets hear you report for the weekend folks

Apart from spending half hour tring to recover the end of the snapped rope line buried in the drum that was it,

could not quite find the enthusiasm the following morning after i heard you had blown your engine, both me and the truck were freezing so thought i would get home in time for a nice roast dinner!

luving your style dave happy to partner again anytime! :lol::lol::lol: chris

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No damage apart from ropes and had to change alternator sunday morning after doing the night section without it working(must have been on its last legs after slindon roumd 8 )

thank to Carl, Alan and Kev good team effort

a very big thankyou to Twiggy(Chris Booth) for putting us up at his home and supplying beer and bed and breakfast

and thanks to all how helped setup and run the event well done

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Excelent Weekend! Firsly want to say a HUGE thanks to Alan K and Saley for all the help they provided from reading the map to the 2 night recoverys (we'd of probobally just have got home if it wasnt for you guys!)

Saturday all good.

Sunday: Burned out the front 24v Motor :( after breaking the rope twice and snapped the rear wire 3 times :unsure: Re-arranged front of wing.

Team mate just adjusted his roof!

Had a great weekend though and still came 6th which were over the moon with considering we started at 10.30 on sunday and made a BIG mistake on the night event by trying to 'NIP' across the BOG in the bottom of the valley.

Thanks to the event organisers and all the marshalls, great job!

See you all at the Northern Series!

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yeah big thanks to tblandyfor havin me as co pilot and takin me to first challenge had a great weekend.

saley and alan k helped us all weekend which was a great help thanks alot guys.

very well organized and helpfull marshalls which semmed to make thingsd easy to understand (as i say first one for me) but definatly not the last

but like ty said alan k deserves an even bigger thanks for pullin both our trucks out when every one had gone home which probley put hours on his journey home thanks again

great event im hooked and entering northen series

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Apart from Glynn Yates car falling to pieces Sat lunchtime, to be replaces with Dan Thomas's completely unprepared car we were doing fine, even apart the organisational dissarray, until my V8 caught fire doing a long uphill pull,

Clouds of smoke billowed out from under the bonnet only to be told by the spectators that the underbonnet had caught fire, an oil pipe to the gauge had ruptured and was spraying oil straight on to the manifold, Glynn managed to put it out with an extinguisher only to throw it onto the passenger floor where it went off again, hit me straight in the face and left me looking like frosty the snowman.

On the highwire harness section over a mudhole section, Glynn dropped the bitch supended via his winch cable in the dirt from 6 foot, he tightened the cable off goes Dan and then PLOP, face down in the dirt,

Glynn forgot the handbrake, priceless

Never had so much fun over 2 days in a long time, eat your heart out Peter Kay.

No damage apart from the pipe, exept for bruised ribs laughing at Yatesy tring to bitch.

i put the fire out twiggy, infact i couldnt stop after running down the hill with the extinguisher from my truck and slid right under your truck :o , warmed me up though :lol::lol:

glynns bitching is priceless, its so funny and his driving is even more amusing.....just forgetting what a handbrake does isnt so amusing, but much to everyone elses delight :lol:

top weekend out, 1st time ive ever teamed up with twiggy but loved every minute of it

not really done any damage to the 90 aswel <_< just scratched to front wings abit more....in the right direction aswel so the headlight aim was better, and ripped a axle breather off so alls good, apart from the bank balance from today, i sinned twiggy and rang north offroad :ph34r:

was very impressed with the difference of running the winches on 24v through 12v motors so now after finishing a event with them like that im confident to leave them on 24v


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well i striped the head off the engine today 7 bent push rods one snaped rocker cracked head and a destroyed head gasket so its now in for a total rebuild when the second hand head comes back from enginers pressure tested fingers crossed its a good one

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Well I had a great time, thanks to the BAD Lads for all the "organisation" and the marshalls for thier efforts in the freezing fog. Jenny has some cracking pictures which she will post on photobox later today.

The format worked well and levelled the playing field quite a lot with the different disciplines on the first day's special stages.

Rabs steering guard should be patented as a motorised clay planer as the huge quantity of very good moulding clay forced into his engine bay was quite impressive, shame it stopped play for you guys.

The Halifax lads were good to watch, great team work and some good driving skills, hope to see you again on other comps, thanks for the thanks but that is what is all about, I am sure you will help others out in the future if you are able.

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Come on Barney are we having the results posted?????

Special stages, night scores, Sundays scores, and total scores,

You could be doing that whilst resting your aching legs pal.

We always need a breakdown to moan to one another about.

Cheers matey

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Come on Barney are we having the results posted?????

Special stages, night scores, Sundays scores, and total scores,

You could be doing that whilst resting your aching legs pal.

We always need a breakdown to moan to one another about.

Cheers matey

results will be availible once I can get my hands on the laptop or the info on the lap top but at the moment eric has the laptop so unfortunataly I can't get them. when I do they will be posted srtaight on here.

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just reading through all the thanks posted but i see none for the gals that kept us fed and waterd all weakend, i think they done a top job and deserve the biggest thanks, those hot cups of teas kept me going so a realy big THANKYOU! from chris and dave

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results will be availible once I can get my hands on the laptop or the info on the lap top but at the moment eric has the laptop so unfortunataly I can't get them. when I do they will be posted srtaight on here.

Sorry guys I will get the results for you off my laptop that is at Erics and get them posted on the BADLRC website by the weekend at the latest, I had to leave early on the sunday as I had doubled booked myself for the evening

Matt Thompson

Comp Sec


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On Behalf of BADLRC I would like to thank you all for your support,As with all events it wasn't without its problems such as the fog that resulted in a number of teams arriving late on Saturday morning. But I am glad to hear that you all enjoyed yourselves and I look forward to seeing you all again in 2009 for our new series?

One again thanks you for your support guys and girls.

Matt Thompson

Competition Secretary

Buxton & District Land Rover Club

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I've finally managed to get some time to download the pics I took over the weekend. Definitely looks as cold and muddy as I remember!

Hopefully you can access the rest by clicking on the link below, if not I've done it wrong and need more training from Mr Kemp.


If anyone would like some better quality copies let me know and I will download them onto a CD for you.










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