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gearbox crunching/squeaking!

Rick the Spud

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bought a cheapy Disco for off roading and field/farm activities so don't really want to spend too much time/money on it, but i would like to investigate a few gearbox issues before it costs me a new box - prevention is better than cure, so i would rather spend a few quid on it now, rather than a few hundred later on!

the gearbox itself crunches in most gears, which feels like the synchros are gone, but if ur careful and pause while changing up u can get away with it, not changing down though.

there is also a squeak coming from underneath (dry bearing sort of noise) which comes and goes - it's speed related, and goes instantly when u dip the clutch. Not sure if it's related, but if u engage the diff lock, u get a cog grinding sort of noise, and it doesn't seem to get u any less stuck ;) so it may not be engaging!

that's a lot of info - any ideas anyone?

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Try to change the oil in the gearbox (ATF Dexron III for the one you have).

As for the noise, hard to tell from what you described. Try to find someone who knows more about LRs. There are some tests that can be done to get closer to the cause.

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I second changing the gear box oil. I had similar problems a few months ago and decided to replace the oil. The oil that came out looked old and worn out. It has made all changes (up & down) much smoother. I am planning on a second oil change in the next few days to ensure that the box is well flushed out.

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someone also said that halfrauds do something called molyslip that u can put in gearboxes?

Any friction modifier you'll add to the oil will prevent the syncros do their job properly. The syncros are like clutches, they work based on friction. If you will add something that will make the oil more slippery, the syncros will need more time to match the speeds of the parts about to engage.

The oil used in these gearboxes is a compromise between the low friction needed for the gears and bearings and the high friction needed for the sycros. If you want to experiment by altering this balance .....

Change the oil in the gearbox and make sure the clutch is working correctly. That's all you can do.

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A non genuine one will cost you somewhere in the region of £10-15, but make sure you get an OEM branded one (one in a GKN or Hardy Spicer branded box for example) not a "no name no quality" effort.

There are two different sizes, make sure you get the right one, not sure which one fits a 200Tdi Disco but somebody will no doubt be along shortly who will have the answer :)

If its really slack don't drive it until you fix it or you will very shortly find it lets go which will f*** up the propshaft yoke and sometimes wipe out the exhaust and other expensive bits in the process so you'll need a new propshaft at the very least if that happens.

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