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Grinding Aluminium


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I have just fitted a HD Bumper from Paddocks, came to fit the Alu steering guard which they said would fit and it doesn't!

Now I need to grind about 5mm off each side, is it ok to use a 'normal' grinding disc marked 'metal' or do I need a special disk?


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You shouldn't need to grind aluminium since it is not hardened (although it can be in specialist applications).

There are 4 dangers, first the disc gets clogged, and where aluminium is rubbing aluminium the heat generated could cause the disc to shatter, the second danger is a disc that has previously ground steel (or using for steel afterwards) - a thermite reation could take place which is a bang and a shattered disc, the third is that aluminium dust is can explode with a heat source and the fourth is that the dust is toxic.

All the above are not very likely on a little job at home. Nor is winning the lottery (I know a two people who have though).

Suggest you get your saw out.

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