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1.8 '98 - Slight misfire pulling away / low load


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I've recently noticed a slight misfire, literally like one cylinder just misses a single beat when pulling away/changing gear and when, for example, driving along steadily around the 1500-2000rpm range on light throttle, where it will cough once every few seconds-ish. Under hard acceleration, cruising, or deceleration it's either not there or not noticeable. Pulling away it's almost like a clutch judder, I thought it was until it did it going along as well.

I'm suspecting the ignition but not knowing a lot about the FL lumps does anyone have a pointer as to what's likely to be the culprit? It's the early engine with a distributor and single coil.

Oh and before anyone says it, no it's not using coolant etc. etc. - the lump itself was brand new less than 10k ago, with the pukka head gasket and stat relocation kit fitted.

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I've recently noticed a slight misfire, literally like one cylinder just misses a single beat when pulling away/changing gear and when, for example, driving along steadily around the 1500-2000rpm range on light throttle, where it will cough once every few seconds-ish. Under hard acceleration, cruising, or deceleration it's either not there or not noticeable. Pulling away it's almost like a clutch judder, I thought it was until it did it going along as well.

I'm suspecting the ignition but not knowing a lot about the FL lumps does anyone have a pointer as to what's likely to be the culprit? It's the early engine with a distributor and single coil.

Oh and before anyone says it, no it's not using coolant etc. etc. - the lump itself was brand new less than 10k ago, with the pukka head gasket and stat relocation kit fitted.

Hi John

If I understand it right, it is only under light/medium load so it is when the lamda sensor does it influense rigth!

It does sound like running lean, check for that.



Ps why is it not MS'ed yet :P

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Just been out and tried again after reading a few posts about locking/unlocking sometimes curing it. That wasn't the problem, but I think I've found what is. AllyV8 was closest and may well be bang on but new bits on order for tomorrow now ;)

Here's the problem - to the main stealer first thing tomorrow mehtinks! :lol:

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I've recently noticed a slight misfire, literally like one cylinder just misses a single beat when pulling away/changing gear and when, for example, driving along steadily around the 1500-2000rpm range on light throttle, where it will cough once every few seconds-ish. Under hard acceleration, cruising, or deceleration it's either not there or not noticeable. Pulling away it's almost like a clutch judder, I thought it was until it did it going along as well.

I'm suspecting the ignition but not knowing a lot about the FL lumps does anyone have a pointer as to what's likely to be the culprit? It's the early engine with a distributor and single coil.

Oh and before anyone says it, no it's not using coolant etc. etc. - the lump itself was brand new less than 10k ago, with the pukka head gasket and stat relocation kit fitted.


I had a simular sort of issue with my F/lander, I changed the usual suspects, plugs , leads , rotor etc etc and it would be ok for a couple of days then it'd come back and got slowly worse, in the end it was the fuel pump. as you need to clean the filter every now and then 50K or so. (which is in the tank on the pump). take it to an auto eletrical place get them to check, even if they test drive with laptop plugged in, so that miss fire is detected. (as a pump could cost £100+)

hope you get it sorted

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