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Heater Core

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I think I need to replace the heater matrix on my 110. It is barely putting out any heat at all, even at 65mph on the motorway. I suspect that the matrix is full of mud and so very little air is passing over it. The fan works OK at all 3 speeds and the engine temperature is nor abnormally low. I do not have any sort of fan on the vehicle following removal of a knackered viscous unit about 2 years ago.

I have spent ages on the 'net tonight trying to work out which is the correct matrix for my vehicle.

My 110 is a 1996 export model with aircon, the early type which means I have no bulkhead fresh air vents as the dash panel is full width. The controls are not the normal ones each side of the instrument binnacle but mounted on a panel in the centre of the dash. There are 3 buttons that control air distribution, one each for screen/facia/footwells. A horizontal slider for temperature control (ha ha!) and a vertical four position switch for fan speed: off - 1 - 2 - 3.

The facia can be seen in some of the pictures in the following thread http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=11057

When the facia vents are open, those on the nearside blow vaguely warm air, the ones in the middle vaguely tepid air and the one on the right, cold air.

I have read all the threads about improving defender heater performance and I ahve reached the conclusion that the matrix has probably had it.

Can anyone help as to which matrix I need: two are listed, one with horizontal pipes and the other with pipes that curve downwards. I cannot find any information as to which is likely to be the correct one for my vehicle.

Many thanks.

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