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90 Heater Matrix Question

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I have 1986 90 with its original heater matrix (vertical pipes).

I have a 200TDi lump going in and while reftting the heater matrix with insulation (the old foam was dust and hence rattling about) discovered it leaks.

For about £40 I can get a new matrix from ebay for both horizontal pipe and vertical pipe matrixes.

It looks as if the horizontal pipe type matrix is a little bit taller and I would need to refabricate the heater box to get it to fit and would need hoses to suit also.

Is this type a massive improvement on the vertical type? Are the vertical types prone to airlocking (I cant see anyway of bleeding them) and dependant on water pressure flushing them out?

What are my choices in terms of upgrades? has anyone found a scrap yard replacement thats better? :P

Your advice and knowledge always appreciated.


Grant :)

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There is not much point. The horizontal style has a better heat exchanger, but it is smaller. I doubt that there is any measurable difference in heat output. Just get the proper replacement.

Nobody has found a better scrap yard replacement that I know of. There are aftermarket uprated ones, but they are crazy expensive.

Just do a good job sealing the matrix and adjusting the flaps and the heater should put out a lot of heat.

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don't know if they are,as I've not seen both types side by side to compare, the 300Tdi & Td5 heater boxes fit in the same location in the engine bay, so there can't be that much difference in matrix size.

so I'll rephrase my earlier reply to 'you maybe able to use either matrix'

matrix UTP1725 straight pipes

matrix AAP817 curved pipes

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We need to find a way to nail this question....

Weather permitting, I'll be popping into my local LR specialist this week. He's usually got a lot of things on the shelf. If he's got both types I'll ask to do a comparison.


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Shame your so far away , I have a 200 Tdi heater box with matrix coming off my truck and desitined for the bin , You can have it .

Sell it!! I bought one recently in good condition, heater box and matrix in good condition for £50. (I was desperate and it was complete). I'm sure you'd get something for it...

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  • 2 weeks later...

They didn't have either in stock...

I was told the straight pipe variant is taller than the older ones whhich have pipes pointing down... But, they did think that cutting an appropriate hole in the bottom would accommodate the new matrix... But how ever you do it, you need to seal the matrix in with cudly foam etc so the air flows through the matrix of course...


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Quick update, I carried out a pressure test using an old bike inner tube cut in the middle and circlipped to either end of the matrix and using a pump put it up to 20PSi.

No leaks!

I did however compare pictures of the old vertical type matrix's and the new type and basically with the old type the pipes exit the side of the heater box whereas the taller matrix is level with the box and the straight pipes sitting proud at the top of the heater box. With a bit of fabrication I think it would doable to cut a slot in the top of the box and blank off the old pipe opening (its all riveted together anyway!) but you would still need hoses for the new type as well.

I reconditioned the heater box anyway and had to drill the rivets off to get the heater matrix out, the existing foam was completely shot with the result that the matrix was rattling about and had been gradually wearing through the pipes. I used B&Q brown P type draught excluder to refit where the foam was and the matrix is now snug in the heater box.

HTH for someone in the future,


Grant :)

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  • 11 years later...


I've just bought a 1989 ninety that has had a 200 tdi engine from a Disco 1 transplant.  All good but the heater is useless even in the small cab of the pick-up.

This one has a heater box where the water hoses are in and out at the top surface slightly protruded.  The box looks in good condition with no rot.  The hot to cold cable seems to open and close a flap inside the box but I have no idea what it does. I have not come to find a cross section to see the mechanism inside.

Could mine has a clogged matrix preventing water or air flow I have no idea.  All I know its bloody cold in the cab when I want warmth.

Any ideas??


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