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Glove box catch fixing/adhesive


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Hello all. Okay, this is an odd one I know, but I've not seen it mentioned anywhere else so I'm throwing it open for suggestions!

After being woken late one night to pick up herself from a girls do that the Taxis avoided, I slammed the glovebox closed after checking the torch etc was in there, (I live in the sticks) and it bounced open. The catch fitted to the inside top of the 'box' had broken off. The part that holds the little light as well.

Question: How do you stick 'em back on? Is there a specific adhesive or just get some two pot epoxy resin?

I know this isn't terribly technical but my trusty folded envelope wedge is now failing annoyingly often and it drops open at night and the little bulb is brighter than the two big ones outside!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies guys. Not been on for a bit so sorry slow in coming back.

D1 teabag. The catch itself isn't broken, just knocked loose. The old adhesive looks like it sort of snapped, the residue is still in the slots in the catch and on the inside top of the box itself.

I'll experiment with some glues and see what works. Only awkward bit will be aligning it up with the catch on the lid.

Mean while, back to trying to source the metal and rubber 'tray' like component the front offside window sits in and is screwed to the arms on the reg! Changed the reg and now it window wont stay in the 'tray' thing, pops out when I open the window. I was told they're normally bonded to the window itself. Bugger if they are!!

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Its not bonded - its actually melted into the metal frame! :o The plastic catch part has raised ridges which pass through slots in the metal frame above the box, the ridges are then melted over to form a sort of bond. All I did on mine was dig out the old plastic from both the catch and the frame so it would go back into place, (leaving some of the un-melted ridges in place to ensure it went back in the correct position), then drilled and self tappered it to secure it..........

Pretty naff way of doing things in the first place, but hey, its a LR product we're on about............

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Thanks stageone! Yes, now you say it, it certainly looks like thats how its done. Bloody odd but as you say, its a Landy at the end of the day....what did I expect!!

You don't know about the tray/window thing do you?!!!

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