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Getting speedo drive out of transfer box

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i cant get mine out so far i ve broken part of the out case it jsut wont budge and i am losing my rag with it

the one in my spare box came out so easily :angry:

any help

can you get some plyers on the square metal part in the centre where the cable joins to it? might be stronger to pull on that rather than lever the casing. Might also help to wiggle one of the outputs/props (front if still attached to the vehicle as yo uoull the drive out as this may line the cogs up better for pulling it out..

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It "should" slide out but what happens is that because it is a tight fit where it slides into the housing, water inside causes a build up of corrosion which then sticks it in there. You'll probably have to take the housing off and tap it through from the inside, at which point it will come out quite easily because by then you will be in a temper and using the larger of your two hammers :)

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can you get some plyers on the square metal part in the centre where the cable joins to it? might be stronger to pull on that rather than lever the casing. Might also help to wiggle one of the outputs/props (front if still attached to the vehicle as yo uoull the drive out as this may line the cogs up better for pulling it out..

Definately not :D

The square drive of the speedo gear is vey thin, and quite fragile. Put pliers on that and it will just snap off. I found this out the hard way :)

I used a large flat bladed screwdriver on the edge of the drive, and clouted it to free it out.

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