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I've had a cr@p 24 hours


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.......it all started with a text message from the Mrs! "do you want the bad news, or the really bad news?".

The bad news was that she had the disco and the ABS/HDC/TC lights had reapperaed! It was due for its MOT the next morning! The really bad news was the Disco had also managed to conk out half on the drive, half on the pavement., and refused to start!!

I drove home from work in the Defender, no dipped beam headlights!!! Arrgh!!! (6pm) so followed close to a truck with only side lights.

At home Disco would start, I thinks "its thst damn Injection wiring harness, oil in the ECU thing again". Pushed the Disco up the drive with the Defender and set to work in the rain removing ECU's harness plugs and cleaning the oil residue from the plugs. [This job had been fix 7 weeks earlier]

It near to midnight and it still wouldnt start! Bed time.

Went to work in the Defender which promptly broke down on the motorway!! (Raining) I had ran out of Diesel. Put in the spare gallon, accidenly left the cap on the motorway! Damn. :rolleyes:

I phone the MOT/garage to cancel the MOT and explained problem, but they dont have a flatbed recovery truck! (I am still having to treat patients through this hassle!), local recovery firms £120! Ha, for 30 miles,I dont think so!!! RAC useless - 10 miles recovery.

I took ECU to the Garage who opened it up to see if any oil was in, no oil -so why not starting I asked? The mechanic said "fuel pump"??? Then I registered, it didnt hear the normal whine/squeel of the pump!

Went to drive home at end of day (before getting dark) and....mmm "thats nice colours under my Defender", drove off to find me leaving a 4ft wide diesel trail along the car park!!!

Under the bonnet, the fuel hose had split and pumping out diesel like it had cut an artery! :blink: (no wonder I ran out this morning)

Returned home after new fuel hose, put the Disco back together (in the rain) and sure enough no noise from the pump. The price of a fuel pump on the Disco is about £200! argh!!!!!!!

Time for a beer! :lol:

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I think its a north east thing mate. On sunday this happened to me (cut from another forum where I wrote it):

"I'm rather peeved to say the least. Having been out this morning looking at Discovery's with my wife, we were on our way home when we started to notice the rear of the landy scraping & knocking a bit. Now being a landy full of kids & dogs and the stereo it was rather noisy. Its snowing outside and the winds pretty wild as well.

I put my brakes on aproaching the sliproad off the motorway to hear a thud and a grating sound. Even the kids went quiet. Thinking the prop had went I pulled off in the verge and stopped in the mud an the side of the motorway.

When I get out I see this:


The driver side rear calliper that was recently fitted by my local "specialist" obviously wasn't tightened up. The lower mounting bolt had fallen out and when I touched the brakes the wheel pushed the calliper and it pushed out onto the inside of my alloy. You can see the groove worn on the inside of the alloy.

I was stuck on the motorway, so all I could think of doing was putting the remaining calliper bolt on the lower hole (as in the photo) so it pulled against the spinning wheel as opposed to try and push it off the hub (if you know what I mean?)

Worse still. When I look at the other side (underneath, in the snow, on my back in the mud....) the top bolt has already gone on that side and its already hanging on by one loose bolt. the calliper has been resting on the disc edge whilst running and ground a small groove. The grindings have done this to my alloy..


I'm at a loss. I'm completely fed up with the shocking service I have been subjected to by these incompetent so-called specialists. Everones entitled to a bad day, but this is the end of a long string of second rate service I have recieved.

I going to write to them now, but I thought I'd better get the anger out of my system by posting on here first!

This is a good reason why I always try to do my own servicing. I only let them fit the callipers as the seals leaked when it was in their workshop getting the doors sprayed on an insurance job.


That was Sunday, then I order new studs for the calliper for 45p each and £10 !!! posting so I can use it tomorrow to drive to middlesbrough for a 3 day course. So I have been under the landy in South Shields in the torrential rain refitting the callipers....now the wife has gone to work and the kids are going wild......

oh well, could be worse.


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From the looks of the picture the caliper bolt head is rounded (I know it's a star design!) which means they probably couldn't torque it up correctly.

Thing is, those bolts are a PITA to get, I know, I spent a week and half waiting in Jan, so the ***** have probably just done them as tight as they could.

Local dealer down here didn't keep any caliper bolts in stock either, which surprised and worried me!

I'm starting to wait for a good week with my land rover :(

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From the looks of the picture the caliper bolt head is rounded (I know it's a star design!) which means they probably couldn't torque it up correctly.

Thing is, those bolts are a PITA to get, I know, I spent a week and half waiting in Jan, so the ***** have probably just done them as tight as they could.

Local dealer down here didn't keep any caliper bolts in stock either, which surprised and worried me!

I'm starting to wait for a good week with my land rover :(


Those bolts are actually 13mm AF head but in 12 hex.

I know 'cos I spent two days trying to find a socket that fits.I don't use 12 hex sockets and I can't see clearly when that close.

Oh yes.The bolts are dealer only. :angry:

I erat rat poison


I can cause trouble in an empty house

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you may have been able to tighten up with a spanner, but the fact you were able to get it out with one is a sign they weren't torqued proper IMHO. I think it is about 81Nm for those bolts, a bit of a strain in the confined area with a torque wrench, let alone with a spanner.

Hey Mike - sounds a weird size, the defender ones I've used a 13mm socket on (incorrectly, that was what rounded the heads off after a few goes) but a 1/2" is a tight fit (which is what I use now). Although I guess that might fit in with the sizes.

I replaced all 4 on the front and kept the 2 decent ones as spares because of the pain and grief of not having one if needed.

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got up a 6am as normal

work buy 7.30am.

No Foreman crash his car :(

Steel fixers no show :angry:

Need 75 20mm holes magdrilled into the face steelwork on four floors from a cherry picker and can't find anyone to do it as the only member of senior site staff knowing anything about tools and using them I run the risk of me having to do it with the foreman who has not turned up :angry:

Diamond drillers drill wrong hole in first floor slab pumping gallons of water from the drill into a live switch/data room :o

Leave work at 3.30pm to collect the shocks off racer

while on route I get a phone call to ask could I weld as they have not done most of the work.

collect shock (wait two hours for the to finish the rebuild of the damper <_< )

Drive to Bournemouth beg stunning to help and worked till 12.30am fixing re welding and adjusting the Ohlins shocks got home at 1am

back up at 6am

work buy 7.30am

Diamond drillers and mechanical contractors arguing over who's fault the water in main switch room was and that the hole they should have drilled is directly above a structural beam the which would be a waste of time.

My steel workers phone up 8am to say they have a gang free to drill the holes :D

find that the anti scrapiron thread has had 4000 views :lol:

Things do get better

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