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Oi Bogbuster....

Jon White

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Steve, can you recognise anything here?


Lots of things :)

Stanley harbour, most of it anyway....

Really can't make out any of the roads in town but the one heading off to the south is the one to the rubbish dump, and you can clearly see the road to the airport from where it passes just on the bottom of the "box" crosshair over my house, and heads off east to the airport. Top right corner, Yorke Bay, full of mines :angry:

The crosshair over my house is in pretty much exactly the right place, so their grid referencing onto the photo is pretty good :)

Floating dock on the south side of the harbour and the old disused Navy dock on the north side.

If you remember that thread a while back with the bogged Hitachi digger, if you look down below the "50.433" about an inch down (on a 17" monitor) you can just about see the hole I reckon :lol::lol::lol:

How about a picture from 51 deg 42.680 min S, 60 deg 04.754 min W - that's our farm, a GPS waypoint in Dad's front yard, would be interesting to see if that is any clearer :) never seen Google Earth before but I could waste a lot of time on there I am sure :)

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oh yeah, we got introduced to Flash Earth at work that uses google earth for free and we used to spend most of our time, urrgh, I mean lunch breaks looking around at what we could find, the military aircraft graveyards in America are scary in size :) think I counted just on one grouping 100 Phantoms, and that was just one little group amongst this sea of aircraft

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Unfortunately that whole area is out of focus on the free version :-(

:lol: it is not out of focus, it is only 5 m resolution imagery which means that each pixel [element] covers 5 m of real world. This scale is typically used for agribusiness and state/ regional mapping. For the detail that we are looking for we need meter or submeter imagery such as is available over most of the major cities in google earth. And yes if you park/ break down in the same spot for a long time you can then "find" your Landie on google earth:

39.38.44N 104.54.49


Your Local Geospatial Analyst

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