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Snapped bolts on EGR blanking plate

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Decided to fit the EGR blanking kit today.

While taking off the existing pipework, I snapped off the two bolts shown below.

Taking the bits out that are left behind will be a pain in the A.... I'm sure !

Does anyone know of an other method to blank off this bit of pipework ?

Or a smart way of getting those bits out ?




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Decided to fit the EGR blanking kit today.

While taking off the existing pipework, I snapped off the two bolts shown below.

Taking the bits out that are left behind will be a pain in the A.... I'm sure !

Does anyone know of an other method to blank off this bit of pipework ?

Or a smart way of getting those bits out ?




I usually spot weld on to broken stud to build it out a bit then weld a nut on to it and when its hot just take it out.

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Easyouts won't shift them, they'll be too tight. Doesn't look like enough left to get the molegrips on either.

So my method would be, remove manifold, grind the studs flat, and drill them out. Or if the blanking plate is going to be permanent, then just grind the studs flat and weld the plate on.

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Thanks for all the quick replies !

The moment I put my eyes on these bolts I just knew they were going to snap....... :(

I've had a few pints in the mean time :P and decided that plan A will be: drilling out the bits (after a good nights sleep)

Not to bothered about the thread that's inside the manifold, if I damage it while drilling I'll just put two longer bolts straight through !

I tested my drill and found out that it is too big/long to fit between the radiator and the manifold end, so I'll be looking for a different drill tomorrow.

Once I'll have it fitted, that EGR kit better be any good..or else... :D

Guess this is what Land Rover-ing is all about.....

I'll keep you posted !


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Sorted !! :D

I drilled straight through the remaining bits and bolted the blanking plate up with 2 M5 bolts.

Well, I make it sound easier than it was, really... ;)

Like Philip said, I should have heated the manifold up before removing the original bolts, but hey.....

Thanks again for helping out guys !


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