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Quick confirmation....


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I am in the midst of wiring in an external "bitch switch" for my front winch and just need to confirm that the three wires I need to piggy back on the solenoid (albright) are:

- In


- Positive

Is that correct?

Ta muchly :)

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Charles, you have earth to middle pin, and two switched lives to the other two terminals, 99.9% this is how I wired it up :)

Connect the switch to feed 12V to one or the other outside terminals for in/out depending on position, and as the centre terminal is earthed already there is nothing else to connect :)

So take a 12V fom the solenoid to the switch, and the switched outputs to the outside terminals, job done.

Hope that makes sense :)

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Oh, they don't, but here goes again :)

Take a 12V feed to the switch and connect the switch outputs to the outer terminals of the bank of 3 on the solenoid.

So to answer original Q, yes, you need in, out, +ve.

+ve to input to switch

'in' to output pin of switch one way

'out' to output pin of switch the other way.

Centre pin of Albright is grounded.

*cough* If you have difficulty now, then I'd be worried! :D

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Oh, they don't, but here goes again :)

Oh, yes it does! :P It is an external switch, not one of the dash switches!

So to answer original Q, yes, you need in, out, +ve.

Wow! I got some electrickery right!! :i-m_so_happy:

Thanks everyone.

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