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Possible toxicity issue with Bituplus modified membrane

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As part of my sound-dampening procedures for my Defender 110 CSW, I’ve been considering the use of Bituplus Modified Waterproofing membrane to reduce vibration in the floors, side panels and roof.

Of course, bitumen (asphalt) contains carcinogens. While there is most danger to (e.g.) roofing workers, Bituplus membrane on the floor of a vehicle would be subject to some (perhaps considerable) temperature change, as would parts of the vehicle exposed to constant, strong sunlight.

we spend many hours in the vehicle, including sleeping. The presence of potentially toxic fumes does appear to be an issue.

Any thoughts on this from layman or expert?




Bitumen membrane. Asphalt odour. Under normal use, this product is not expected to create any health or environmental hazard.

Inhalation of dust or of asphalt fumes can cause a respiratory irritation and/or a congestion.

WARNING! This product may contain substances known by the State of California that could cause cancer (asphalt, crystalline

silica, fibreglass, antimony trioxide).

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it's surprising what can cause it these days......most things if you believe the men in white coats (the scientific ones, not the doctor ones :) )

anyone else notice how most of this stuff is all labelled as "...known by the State of California to possibly cause...."?

that was my point, it's always something to do with California, be it the big C, hybrid <cough> cars, or anything else for that matter

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