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Camping in Derbyshire

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As per the title really, myself and some mates are looking to have a weekend camping in Derbyshire. Being daaan saaaf I have no idea of what's in the area, so if anyone could recommend a decent campsite that doesn't mind small groups turning up that'd be dandy.

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in the peak? There one near the station in hope that has a pub called the travellers rest very close, has a good cafe too and leccy if you're taking a caravan.

North lees just outside hathersage is great, nice and quiet and theres a footpath to the Little John pub in Hathersage that does fantastic food!


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I always gravitate back to Grindsbrook Booth which is just up from Edale. There is the Nags Head on the right which has stone flags and an open fire and sells decent beers and pub style food, and on the left is Coopers Field - about 200yards between pub and tent :D An additional nicety is the cafe at the entrance to the site which does decent breakfasts..

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I can recommend a couple just along the road from me.

The Bull i' th' Thorn about five miles south of Buxton on the A515 and Hulme End Camp Site near the Manifold Inn, not far from Hartington.

Both are in the heart of the White Peak and within easy reach of all the usual attractions (or just plain open countryside/lanes). The camp sites are within staggering distance of the pub.

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