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Are my tyres pap?!


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We have Runway Enduro tyres on the defender (came fitted) in 235/85/16, but every time we go out we seem to get fair size stones stuck in the treads which gives a very annoying "clack, clack ,clack" noise every revolution of the tyre, which drives me mad and ends up with me pulling over to lever them out!

i had BFG at's on my last defender and they never did this, is it just our tyres that are rubbish? i'd never actually heard of them before we got the vehicle...

In a way i'd like to replace the lot for some 33" AT's, but the ones on are brand new so it seems like a waste for now.

any ideas?

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My BFG muds always seemed to get stones in them and make the noise you discribe.........I think you will get that noise with most tyres unless they have really aggressive patterns like Boggers or Simex Extreme trekkers........Then they will be rocks rather than stones :rolleyes:


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All tyres will get stones stuck in them at some point!

It depends on the type of terrain you drive on I guess. My BFG AT's generally dont get much stuck in them (enough for me to hear at least) but there is one particular river that I wade cross near St Albans, and every single time I do, i manage to get that sound your on about.

Either live with it till they fall out naturally or get stuck further in so they wont make a noise, or pull over every time. Nothing much else you CAN do.

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Oh.... thought it might just be the tyres, since i never heard it when i had the last defender, and that was a military one, with all the soundproofing of a coke can! oh well, i guess i'll just have to install better speakers (still on the standard ones) and turn it waaaay up! :lol:

thanks everyone

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BFGs seem to improve with age as they wear down, probably because of the taper mentioned above. New BFGs scare the carp out of you by hurling stones at the rear wheelboxes that sounds like a gunshot behind you.

I did once break the windscreen on a mates new Range Rover, he was following me when I had new BFGs on :ph34r:

Will :)

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We have Runway Enduro tyres on the defender (came fitted) in 235/85/16, but every time we go out we seem to get fair size stones stuck in the treads which gives a very annoying "clack, clack ,clack" noise every revolution of the tyre, which drives me mad and ends up with me pulling over to lever them out!

i had BFG at's on my last defender and they never did this, is it just our tyres that are rubbish? i'd never actually heard of them before we got the vehicle...

In a way i'd like to replace the lot for some 33" AT's, but the ones on are brand new so it seems like a waste for now.

any ideas?

Hi i have Enduros on my 2 discos, allways found them to be as good a budget tyre as you can get, in fact better than many i know of.


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