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WALES TRIP: Pictures and tales from the front line

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Awesome weekend guys, thanks again to Chris and Paul for not organising it :D

I think I may have broken my engine though as there's a lot of blue smoke being emitted from the backend. It's a good excuse to upgrade from the old 2.5TD anyway!

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Why is it I know where all of the pictures were taken :lol:

Glad you all had a good time when I was back at work :angry: But I did get to pick up a broken Disco today.


i was goin through the pics thinking the same thing... cant wait to get back out there in the truck i will pm you when i can sort them lanes for u..

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Made it home by 8.30 last night having had a fantastic weekend putting faces to familiar forum names.

Huge thanks to those that did not organise the trip, as well as everyone else for being such a friendly bunch. This was our first time out with LR4x4 and we're looking forward to the next one already.

Also big thanks to Paul Humphreys who made our Saturday drive a real pleasure with his encyclopeadic local knowledge of the area's byways. I would have been very nervous driving through a farmer's barn without Paul's assurance that we were definitely in the right place! Also thanks Paul for looking after my extra wheels for the weekend, much appreciated.

My snap happy co-driver took over 300 photos over the weekend, many rather blurry as we lurched along the routes, but plenty of gooduns too.








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The back of my truck's not very photogenic, is it? :) I might ask you for a few full-size versions of some of those; likewise I've got a couple of good ones of your truck which I can email across.

No problem John, got plenty more than that just didn't want to crash the forum :lol:

I'll PM you my email address.

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Did anyone get any more of me on the wayfarer :ph34r:. I'll Pm an email address if required.


Pete, I think you're in a couple of mine on the Wayfarer, see above...

I'll have more of a shufty through the rest of mine soon.

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A few links to video taken on the trip.

Nothing exciting, no loud music no fancy editing.....

All shot from Iphone on dash mount so shaky at times.

Hopefully comments and such from me, Les and others in the group on CB just funny and not offensive ! :)


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