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Footwell Repair..


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What is the best way to fit a new nearside repair panel? Is there a guide i can follow where someone has done it before and posted the results? I have my bulkhead off the vehicle and everything is stripped off it.

You can lay the replacement panel over the bulkhead to see where it fits. Looking at your photo, you can chop the vertical line where the side of the footwell join the lip leading to the door pillar, right across the top of the footwell, and then the angled and vertical face on the engine side of the footwell. This will leave you with a halfinch wide strip next to the doorpost where you can weld inside and out, and a nice corner seam to do on the engine side.

Be a lot easier with the bulkhead off and stripped...all my bulkhead repairs have been in-situ...

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The first question is how much do you need to replace - and what's the easiest/neatest way of doing it. So what are the door pillars like? Are you going to use the existing ones in which case you're going to have to remove all traces of the footwell from them.

What's the top face of the original bulkhead footwell like? Sometimes they are OK in which case you can cut through the fold and make the join there leaving the top face in place together with its re-inforcements.

Don't worry about cutting the repair panels - you may only need part of them.

How much re-inforcement do you think there should be? there's a bit on the original round the pedal box that won't be on your repair panels - do you think its important?

Only do one side at a time so you've got the other for reference. Cut cardboard templates if you think it'll help get it all to fit.

If you have to do the pillars as well its worth tacking it all up with the pillar feet and fitting it to the chassis and seeing if the doors line up properly.

Have a very good look/prod/wire brush of the whole bulkhead to make sure you don't miss any holes.

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Just done this myself.

Did both footwells in their entirity although it was quite probably overkill.

Lots of photos on my site here of current progress.

buklhead link

Still have some of the brackets to tack on. Its a shame the repair sections are so bare. No reinforcing sections, no repair channels, barely fit etc.

I reckon they're made for people to use bits of rather than full replacement.

Best advice is to brace the legs well throughout the process.


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As said above you might not need to replace the whole area covered by the repair panel, but consider that the repair panel is known to be new good metal. The metal of your curent foot well may look good but may not last and also it may not weld too well. In the long run it may be better to use the whole panel as is?


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