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have i effed up my effing engine

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hi guys

need another bit of advice

all was going well down in the workshop today, untill i decided now would be as good a time as any to torque up the crankshaft bolt some 330 nm i think (and loctite)

well i didnt get that much torque on it as i forgot all that was preventing rotation was the fuel pump timing pin,

the result is that i think the timing has slipped a bit,

then i noticed diesel (or what looks and smells like diesel) leaking from the front out of the breather hole in the timing chest, and now i cant get the nut undone

questions are firstly, where is the diesel coming from and have i fuc@@d up my engine or fuel pump timing thingy

secondly how can i undo the nut without spending 80 quid at difflock for the restraining tool. i dont want to spin the engine on the starter motor due to any possibility the timing may be out (although i have removed the rocker shaft to hopefullly prevent any further damage i belive the valve springs force all the valves closed and away from danger could someone please confirm this?

cheers for looking and i hope you guys may have some better news for me im usually really cheerful after a day on the

truck but today im not

cheers, will


cheers for the invite but i did not make it up that way in the end and ive only just logged on. ill give bob a ring on monday and see if he can get some in for me next time im up there

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cheers for that ralph,

not sure if ill be down my workshop tomorrow will have to ask the wife, its all the way down near st keverne though i wouldnt want you to go out of your way and its a fair old trak from your place.

ill let you know waht im doing though

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I wonder if its caused some damage inside the pump where the pin has been forced - hopefully not.

Anyway, have a look at my posts in this thread - http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=38651&hl

I knocked up a tool out of an iron bar to lock the crank - it bolts to the damper after the pulley is removed. Took about half an hour and cost nothing as it was a bit of scrap i had lying around. Hope thats some help.

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cheers guys

i think i may have damaged the alloy casing as the pin was a bit bent when i got it out. note to self be careful with a bloody big torque wrench

i think i may have a while to calm down and come up with a plan and some bar to make the tool & open it all up again and assess the damage

cheeers for your help


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With the rocker shaft off, the engine can safeley be turned without risk of damage to the valves - they will remain closed. You'll have to replace the timing belt now - it will have been stressed beyond it's design limits. Assuming that the injector pump shaft seal is fine - you'll have cracked or broken the casing, so the pump is now u/s. Rather an expensive mistake - timing gear should never be used to lock the crank.


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  • 3 weeks later...

hi guys

cheers for you advice, i know its been a while but bettter late than never

well the upshot of my misdemeaner was that i trashed the timing pump by ripping the alloy casing round the timing pin this in turn tore a chunk of alloy out and exposed the front bearing.

i have now learnt my leasson and have manufactured a tool as described in another post ( i dont know why i didnt before). on the good side of things i have managed to source a new pump for £50 bucks (serviceability unknown but ill take a gamble at that price, the seller said it was serviceable).

does anybody have any top tips when replacing one of these or is it just a case of fit it then set timing as per the post in the forum and take care when torqing crank bolt (i have a tool for that now)

any advice would be greatly recievd



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