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Fun cup in Germany

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I spent the last weekend in Germany with Ben (isuzurover)

and we entered a fun competion on Sunday.

Even with tiny,worn 7.50 Michelin XZLs the Cube performed well.

Italian driver & Australian navigator on a British truck!

We are such an international team!


Postcard from Deutchland:


Gallery here

(in German)

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It was round three of the German 4x4 Championship - over 100 competitors in all the classes - was great fun.

There were 8 stages, we had 3 perfect stages (0 points) and a couple with only one reverse (3 points). So overall we did pretty well (had to leave early so no idea of final placing). Most of the field were suzukis and G-wagens. Only one other Land Rovers 90 besides us.

The results should be posted here (eventually):


I am trying to convince Michele to arrange some sponsorship from his boss, so we can enter the modified class in the remaining 4 round this year. :)

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You should try to convince the boss himself



in der Klasse Fun-Cup haben sie von 22 Starter den 10. Platz belegt.

>Wir hoffen euch hat es gefallen und wir dürfen euch bei einem unserer

>Läufe wieder in Eisenberg begrüßen.


>Mit freundlichem Gruß


>Maria Schumann

10th place out of 22 competitors...!


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What's wrong with my snorkel?


Other than it'll be right in the middle should I ever get a cage...


And the beacon is mounted on a rubber hose so it can even flex when get caught on a tree


The prints on the rear tub will go soon


to leave place for the "sponsor" graphic...

I feel a bit sad but hopefully it'll be the trade for the Toy conversion


Nige,I owe you a certain sticker...don't loose the hope mate...


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