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Converting EFi to Carb

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But why go efi to carbs ??? :huh:


Richard's been suffering problem's with pinning-down what in the EFi system is causing it to fail, fitting carbs will take the EFi out of the loop and if the problem persists then at least ignition or something else can then be pocked with a stick

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Rogues been doing that for three months so far :)

Give it three miles and it then cuts out, give it 15 minutes to cool and it then fires up again.

Both ignition and parts of EFi have been replaced, to no evale, so removing one part of the equation will help to pin it down

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But surely removing the EFI is removing more than one thing?

I am sure you are getting desperate now going for this course of action but it just seems to be a bit overkill - i have a complete hotwire system sat just up the road from you and you are more than welcome to try it bit by bit to see if you can track down the problem.



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