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Centrally Locked out

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Centrally Locked out

The 09 plate 110 CSW is my 17th landrover (and one of five I currently own S1 SII 110 V8 110 CSW 300 Tdi )

I live on top of a hill, and in weather like this 4WD is the only way to get anywhere. This morning I started her up to do the school run (No Buses run if there is even a suggestion of snow) and while she was idling I went round and de-iced the windows. Suddenly the central locking started operating of its own accord – On and off, On and off, a few times, then Clunk – I was locked-out with the engine running.

I found the spare key, but it would not unlock electronically, but twenty minutes lots of hot water, and WD40 eventually freed-off the drivers side door lock mechanically and I was back in.

I wonder if anybody has experienced this? And has any idea as to how to stop it happening again.

I've had Land-Rover ‘Assist’ out 3 times in the last 4 weeks to fix (but not permanently fix) a very simple starting problem so I don’t expect much help from them, and the local main dealers do not have a good track record for fixing gremlins, so I thought I’d ask the ‘collective brain’

Any Ideas??

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yes it is covered under warranty, but I have discovered that banging on desks doesnt seem to majically convey brainpower to the staff at our local main dealer.

I just thought somebody else on this frum might have an answer.

Turns out somebody else at work has had the same thing with a Td5

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It may be the barrels themselves freezing up – although it does seem odd that you can open it in the first place.

I cannot vouch for central locking as I have manual locks, however when my locks freeze the door handles and door pins also stick. The best remedy I’ve found is to squirt the barrels with WD40 – it’s kept them lock/freeze free for the last couple of weeks in minus temperatures now...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a similar problem with my Jag. Turned out to be part of the actuator mechanism sticking so that a switch sent the wrong signal back to the lock/alarm ECU.

Has this problem only occured during periods of very low temperature & freezing, or at other times? Could be damp/condensation on the mechanism or in a switch.

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Mine has done this before, but engine was not running. I belive that the blipper does not work when engine is running, so you will have to use key. I think it is due to the acuator being part frozen so it thinks it is not fully open or shut, so it cycles. Best to lube it with silicon, not WD40 as that will wash away the grease. I now open window while it is warming, due to this it has not happened since. Sods law.


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