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London Low Emission Zone - Defender Alert!!

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For those of you living in London that may have missed this little goodie!!

Thanks to the Mayor of London (well done Boris, you've lost my vote), it looks like I can scratch my Defender project idea. It seems that any Defender older than 2001 will be subject to a 100 pounds a day charge from 3 Jan 2012!!

36,500 a year to drive an old defender within what is most of the M25 boundary?! I think not. :angry:


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Have you not noticed any of the 2 million signs that have been up around the out-skirts of the Greater London area for the last 3 years??? :lol:

Don't panic, not all Defenders will be caught. Read up on it a bit more and you will see that many vehicles will be compliant.

Also, it's not Boris' fault. It was Red Ken :P

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100 POUND A DAY. Can someone pick up my lower jaw from the floor. :huh::blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :o Sorry to hear that on Londonstan ouch. Seeing here in Manchester and having a council that doesn't have braincells. Will probably see this as a good thing :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: Typical Labour vomit idealism. :angry:

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