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Comments on Ebay seller please

James NZ

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Hi all,

I'm not to sure if this is the right area to ask this but I'm a bit concerned about an Ebay deal I'm trying to buy. I need for my wifes D2 a left hand mirror and found this one -

Ebay item - 370458683145

Well I've been having a hell off a job trying to complete the transaction so I'm wondering if this guy is legit. Has anybody dealt with them? If I can get some feedback it might stop me from loosing NZ$195.

If by chance I'm not alllowed to ask such questions here and this gets binned by a moderator could the mod please let me know that.

Thanks, james NZ (very snowy here at the moment :) )

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First thoughts on seeing the location was a certain breaker in Chepstow with a terrible reputation. However seems this is someone else


But their feedback says it all really. I think this feature in EBAY is usually a pretty good indicator since most people need to be really annoyed before leaving neg feedback. I would be looking elsewhere personally. Join the D2 forum


ask on there and there will be a good chance someone will have one they can sell you

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he doesn't mention overseas post only to UK addresses, so he's most likely ignoring your custom, maybe a e.mail via ebay to ask if he will post to NZ would help. I've done similar when buying of ebay recently & all the sellers concerned have saod yes to posting from France/Italy to UK when I've asked.

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Looking at the hegative feedback I wouldn't trade with that seller.

Sellers are obliged to accept Paypal as that is in the Ebay rules. It also means that if he sends you faulty parts you can set up a dispute and get your funds back.

If you pay by other means then you will find it difficult to get refunded.

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Yup I agree

His negative feedback show a trend, whilst any poor seller can get the odd muppett

this would make me run a mile from dealing with ubless I was collecting and paying cash, even

then I might have a hand implement at hand incase it was pikeytime :)

Try Martin O'Toole in southampton, he has an ebay shop, and is a straight chap


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Hey guys

thanks for the replies. I should have mentioned that he had previously stated that he would post it to NZ. Got caught by one ebay seller, twice :angry: , so not to keen to get taken again, otherwise I've been really lucky and have actually "met" some good sellers whom I often get parts from for my old vauxhalls.

I'll have to look elsewhere but I'll have to be quick as the NZ dollar is really good compared to the pound at the moment A second hand mirror here is NZ$414.00 inc tax :o

Thanks, again. Cheers, james NZ

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