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gearbox parts, where to get them?


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i need to get these parts...


unsure of the name of that, seems to seat the seal between the g/box and xfer/box

it is located ont he transfer box side, round the mainshaft output end. convex side towards the rear of the car, concave side towards the gearbox.

and these need replacing, they are the springs which go inside the syncromesh for 1st and second, this is the reason my gearbox pops out of second on overrun, as the lip on one end is missing which means it doesent lock in properly.

now a new syncro unit is £130. so i dont want to pay that just for 3 springs.

also i could do with the brass syncro rings for 3rd and fourth, surely they cant be £130 as there just 2 brass rings, which are far less complex than the syncro for 1st and 2nd. which to be honest am surprised how much the unit costs as its not even that complex itself.





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Hang on:

The flat spring is RTC 1956 and is from the 3rd/4th synchroniser - at the front of the box. The loose brass rings are the 1st/2nd synchroniser parts.

The metal ring (oil thrower) comes off the sleeve. Simply press it off carefully.

A common cause of the box slipping out of 1st and 2nd is the nut on the back of the mainshaft working loose - especially if it wasn't tightened properly - especially after fitting overdrive.

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i got my gears the wrong way round then, still, that spring thing needed replacing, the metal ring thing can do with out replacing.

how does this make it pop out of second? it was a bit on the loose side this time but it was properly tight the first time i looked at it, and it popped out of gear then,

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