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New defender/90

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Wonder woulld someone have some ideas about my plan?

Last week I was talking to a mate telling him I was going to save up £4-7k and buy a later model defender next year. I have an 87 plate 90 that does still need a fair bit of TLC, but with both me and the other half working I can't take it off the road for more than a day or so.

The idea was born! Re-chassis mine and take a a week off work to do it, I'll do that, while I'm at it may as well increase tyre/wheel size to 35 or 37, oh yeah while it's just a chassis might as well increase the lift to 4 inch and put new radius arms, etc to cope with the lift? Then it more or less is a straight swap old to new??????? Well while it's in that condition and all that work, what about a new engine, gearbox and transfer box???????? Then it's just a swap?

So questions, I know the legalities of having the original parts on the new truck to keep it's ID, but this question I'm unsure, for example if I bought a new axle from a disco and put it on the old 90, when I swap it would the axle then be a 90? To put onto the new truck? Likewise I'm thinking of buying re-con units from Ashcroft and similar, if I bought defender variants for my old one and transferred them would the ID remain my old plate?

I'm thinking that if I do thie swap gradually and inform DVLA at each swap would I be right in thinking that I could build a brand new truck and keep my old ID?

Final one, of I went down the q plate route are these allowed to have a private registration plate on them or do they always have to display the Q?

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Once you're on a Q plate I believe it has to stay with one.

To retain the original identity you have to score at least 8 points immune following system;







Working from that you would retain 5 from a new like for like chassis (a chassis change from standard is an automatic SVA etc). You would lose the suspension points and if the axle is different ie brakes then you would lose those 2 as well. Assuming you want a more modern engine you would lose a further 1 point but if you went 200tdi you could keep the transmission (LT77/LT230) so keep 2 and if you kept the current steering system you would keep another 2. That gives you 9 points so you would be fine.

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the only ID that DVLA would be interested in is the chassis number which relates to the existing registration number, DVLA do not keep records of axle serial numbers, although the engine number is on the V5 it has no affect on the registration number, but is a notifiable change.

a like for like chassis will retain the existing chassis VIN & Reg number, DVLA will most likely require a inspection just to confirm these numbers are correct for your vehicle. direct.gov.uk -- Changing your vehicle details

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4" lift - any reason why?

I already have 3 inch springs on the old truck and they are now only at 2 inches, so 4 would eventually I assume settle around 3 inch. Apart from that a four inch lift would give it an awesome look on and off road, I have also now fitted side steps which has reduced my underside clearance so it would regain a little back.

Thanks for the other replies, so from what I have read I can do what I want to do and still have in effect my old 90 and not be bothered by the DVLA.

My worry was inspired by a chap I know who built his missus a Defender on a new chassis and she got stopped by the police, had the truck taken off her for over a year. He spent so much money getting it back and re-registering it as a Q plate, lost his Old Tax exempt number and the DVLA have now registered it as a Discovery

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My worry was inspired by a chap I know who built his missus a Defender on a new chassis and she got stopped by the police, had the truck taken off her for over a year. He spent so much money getting it back and re-registering it as a Q plate, lost his Old Tax exempt number and the DVLA have now registered it as a Discovery

AH, the REAL SVA Police!

I feel sorry for your mate, but these are the rules....

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My worry was inspired by a chap I know who built his missus a Defender on a new chassis and she got stopped by the police, had the truck taken off her for over a year. He spent so much money getting it back and re-registering it as a Q plate, lost his Old Tax exempt number and the DVLA have now registered it as a Discovery

I also feel sorry for your mate, but there has got to be something more fishy going on than just a chassis change! The mentioning of the words Defender and tax exempt in the same paragraph should show something....

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I also feel sorry for your mate, but there has got to be something more fishy going on than just a chassis change! The mentioning of the words Defender and tax exempt in the same paragraph should show something....

And the fact that dvla have registered it as a discivery means there was something very messed up about what it was decribed as originally....... most likely a cut down disco chassis under a defender bodywork registered as tax exempt./...............

Getting back on track...

If you rechassis your existing vehicle as it is, then you won't have any issues...... you could then swap springs etc at a different time, i re chassis'd my truck last winter, and whilst i guess i did more than literally just swap bits, it still took me two weeks, admittedly single handed.... have a look in members vehicles for my thread..... it may b a few pages back by now!!

edited to add link.... http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=63300&hl=&fromsearch=1

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