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What is this cable and where should it go?

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Hi All,

I'm hoping that one of you will be able to look at this and go "it's a...." and where it's plugged in!

It comes up from the back of the 300tdi, it's a CSW 110 (if it makes a difference).

The wires are green and pink (although it looks a little faded).





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Going purely on the location - there's a 2 pin plug under the rubber cover around the rocker cover, damned if I can remember what the sensor is though. Not oil pressure, not water temp. Possibly linked to the EGR controller, but IIRC the EGR valve plug comes from the front backwards?

Didn't check the wiring colours while I was there though :)

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Try undoing it after a good run with a few steep hills, that'll stick plenty of heat in it.

I think I might have to get some hex head sockets, I can't seem me getting enough torque with an allen key.

I've put nearly a can of WD40 on the thing, it's just not getting to the thread.

I really don't want to break it off, getting it out will be a pain!



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Also try tightening and loosening alternately as that often helps. Also worth trying an impact driver, the shock may help loosen it, relatively cheap and also gets you your hex sockets.


Appologies if I'm teaching you to suck eggs

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Appologies if I'm teaching you to suck eggs

You are ;) but in the red heat of frustration it's sometimes worth a reminder. Particually as normally my next move is to drill the blooming thing out!

I've always avoided impact drivers on old bolts because of the "breaking in the bottom of a hole" issue.

Are they that bad?

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Appologies, hard to know what level people are at ;)

I don't thing they are blind holes, I'll go and check on the spare manifold I have. I've found impact drivers to be ok ... depends how much you belt them and how good your grip is! Maybe I've just been lucky in the past but don't think I've snapped any bolts with them.

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Lol :) Let us know how it goes.

Bolt 1, Big Mike 0. The bl**dy bolt has sheared in clean in half, right where it goes in the casting.

Luckily, I bought some screw extractors whilst at Halfords. The bolt is still in there pretty tight.



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If you get stuck I'll dig out the tapping size drill and taps for it and post them down to you if you need them.... or if you are up this way you could pick them up.

That's really kind of you, I've got a set of taps.

I'm hoping that it'll just pop out with the screw extractor (ha!)...

On thing I need to work out is if I can drive her without the gasket done up fully (or in fact with only one bolt).

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Fingers crossed the extractor works....

I guess if you drive with only one bolt in it will be similar to if the main manifold gasket was leaking (but not quite as bad). So you won't get a great deal of boost from the turbo and it'll be quite lethargic.

Oh and it'll leave soot over anything near to the gasket

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If it comes to it, I have a manifold on my dead engine (although perhaps I should take the EGR valve off first). What are the chances of getting a weld onto the bolt remains? Recent experience would suggest that would stand a better chance of success than those infernal screw extractors.

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Fingers crossed the extractor works...

Oh and it'll leave soot over anything near to the gasket

What a weekend. All for one bl**dy bolt. This is all :offtopic: , but if it helps someone else it it's all good.

In my experience screw extractors are great when you have a screw with a stripped head. This was a fused bolt, I've never seen the like before. So the screw extractors didn't work. This is what I did:

  1. Used a centre drill to put a small hole in the centre of the broken end of the bolt.
  2. Drilled a 4.5mm hole in the bolt with a HSS drill bit.
  3. Tried the screw extractors.
  4. Put some WD40 in the hole and left it to soak.
  5. Had a cup of tea.
  6. Tried the screw extractors.
  7. Ran the Engine for 20 mins until the manifold was hot.
  8. Tried the screw extractors.
  9. Burnt my fingers on the hot screw extractor.
  10. Swore.
  11. Swore some more.
  12. Had a cup of tea.
  13. Drilled a 6.5mm hole with a HSS drill.
  14. Tried the screw extractors.
  15. Caught my finger on the sharp edge of the manifold.
  16. Bled all over the engine cover.
  17. Swore some more.
  18. Found a plaster (Hello Kitty, we'd run out of Ben10 ones).
  19. Washed the soot, rust, WD40 and oil out of the wound.
  20. Swore.
  21. Put some gloves on.
  22. Washed the blood off the engine.
  23. Drilled out the to 7mm with a HSS drill.
  24. Waggled the drill around gently.
  25. The bits of the broken bit came out.
  26. Ran an M8 tap into the hole with a good dollop of copper grease to pull any remaining bits of bolt out of the hole.

What I learnt:

  1. Wear gloves.
  2. Put copper grease on bolts.
  3. Bolts can fuse in place, using what I can only imagine is magic.
  4. I am comfortable enough with my masculinity to wear Hello Kitty plasters.
  5. Screwfix don't sell good drill bits.
  6. It is not a half hour job to remove the egr valve. 5 days it's taken.
  7. A 300Tdi motor really needs the T bit.
  8. The manifold gets really, really hot.

It all seems to be good now, thanks for all the help and offers of help.

Which is great, cos' I can now drive to work tomorrow!

As for the original question, I can't see anywhere to plug in the loose end of the wire!



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