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puffing white smoke when cold

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'87 Td engine, it had been sat for about 5 years prior to me buying it mid last year and have just started using it on the road. the performance has increased slightly once the cobwebs were blown out as it were however it has now developed a significant amount of white spoke which puffs every 1-2 secs, so what do people think is due to break first? turbo? piston rings?

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Hi Their

I agree with Snagger, it sounds like a sticky Injector, stick some FORTE Injection cleaner through it, It is the only one I know works, if still doing it, get a set of reconditioned injectors, if the engine had been standing for that long without any Diesel going through the system it can end up rusting internally, as Diesel can hold up to 17% water before it separates out as opposed to 4% for Petrol, so you could have corrosion although there was fuel in the system, just be glad the injector pump is ok



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