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Enough lurking - HELLO EVERYONE!


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Hello -

As a long time reader (lurker) here I wanted to say hello.

I'm just finishing prepping my 2006 TD5 for a long trip to Africa, hoping to head out in April 2014 from Oxford, UK.

I've started a little website / blog at http://www.africality.com i which I'm documenting my preparations, and hopefully it has some bits to enjoy. Heck, you can always become an armchair traveller? That said, I'm headed out solo as it stands so if anyone is wanting to catch a ride ...


Humperdinck (yes, that's my real name)

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Welcome to the forum :)

Oooh! an overlander :wub:

Few questions if I might?

What prep have you done to your truck to ensure it will stay reliable for your trip?

What is going to be your rolling curb weight full load?

How far have you gone with armor and recovery packaging?

Sorry, become some what of a pet hobby of mine of late, this and vapor builds :lol:

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