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2.5 N/A on veg oil

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2.5na wont run on Veg due to the Lucas Cav pump - they use hydrostatic bearings, veg oil is too viscous for the tiny holes in the bearing which then siezes snapping the main shaft. I believe they can be drilled (not DIY) but the problem is matching the viscosity of the veg oil to derv.

In essence - don't bother, fit an ex disco 200tdi

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I did a 19J and a 200Tdi on veggie. If the injector pump is Lucas, forget it!



A 19J has a Lucas pump.

Lucas pumps are fine - if you preheat the veg. You'll need a full blown twin tank system with a heat exchanger. I did nearly 30k on veg in a 1988 Turbo Diesel (19J) which is the turbo version of the 2.5N/A engine.

For what it's worth, I don't think the effort is worth it. Now I make biodiesel which I regard as less effort.

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Forget it. My 109 was previously 2.5n/a powered and fuelled on bio - that killed it. I believe bio is thinner than veg oil, regarding the viscosity issues, but I believe that both strip the lubricants out anyway. Bosch fuel pumps I'm told have sealed bearing that are not lubricated by the fuel, and so don't suffer. I swapped to TDi power, solving many problems in one stroke.

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Forget it. My 109 was previously 2.5n/a powered and fuelled on bio - that killed it. I believe bio is thinner than veg oil, regarding the viscosity issues, but I believe that both strip the lubricants out anyway. Bosch fuel pumps I'm told have sealed bearing that are not lubricated by the fuel, and so don't suffer. I swapped to TDi power, solving many problems in one stroke.

What was the failure, and where did you get the bio from?

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My 19J was veggie converted, but I had a Bosch pump. It ran without any issues, whilst I had a pre-heater, I didn't have a two tank system, so in the winter I had to use a high %age of diesel in the tank. On the 200Tdi I have now fitted, it is a two tank system and I can run pure veggie all the way through the winter. I also picked up from Home Depot some heating wire used for guttering. It was 10m long and worked at 120v, so I now plan to cut it into 1m lengths and then wrap these 10 x 1m lengths of this down the fuel line from the tank to the pre-heater to make the warm up even quicker!



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Failure was in the form of complete melt down of the pump. It started off making lurvly noises...then it became reluctant to fuel properly...then it failed to fuel at all! I can't remember where we had the bio from, it was about 4 years ago now, I've owned it 2 years. Its current engine was in the same PO's disco, and that was running on the same Bio at the time.

Unfortunately I've not now got a source of Bio...damn nuisance!

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Failure was in the form of complete melt down of the pump. It started off making lurvly noises...then it became reluctant to fuel properly...then it failed to fuel at all! I can't remember where we had the bio from, it was about 4 years ago now, I've owned it 2 years. Its current engine was in the same PO's disco, and that was running on the same Bio at the time.

Unfortunately I've not now got a source of Bio...damn nuisance!

I'm afraid to say that this sounds like poor quality bio.

I don't suppose you tested it for quality?

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Only in that it ran fine for the TDi....

I've been thinking about making my own, but can't decide from the thousands of google posts whether its worth it, or which route to even go down...

I keep looking at making my own, but it always seems so much hassle - especially if you dont have a source of free WVO. with my 200tdi, this summer i havent had any problems with running on SVO straight from the supermarket (probably max of 60:40 SVO:diesel). I'll stop with the SVO for the winter and then start again as the weather warms up. Unless he's changed since i last spoke to him, Vulcan Bomber runs more SVO than me and later into the autumn/winter and hasnt reported any problems yet.

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I use SVO all year round. I did have the chance to buy a veggie processing kit, but decided that I didn't use enough of it to warrant it. In particular I'd want to have a regular source of used veggie and I didn't want to have gallons of the stuff that I'd have to store and process and maybe not use for a while (it does go off and gave me great problems about 3 years ago). So I take the easy way out and use SVO from Makros (£1.05/litre).



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I use SVO all year round. I did have the chance to buy a veggie processing kit, but decided that I didn't use enough of it to warrant it. In particular I'd want to have a regular source of used veggie and I didn't want to have gallons of the stuff that I'd have to store and process and maybe not use for a while (it does go off and gave me great problems about 3 years ago). So I take the easy way out and use SVO from Makros (£1.05/litre).



You are currently running a 2 tank system though Peter? Rightly or wrongly, i've kept mine even simpler.... and just bung SVO in the normal tank and mix with diesel (hence why i stop in the winter). I have all the kit for a two tank system, but i really want a tank that will fit in the nearside wheel arch area (like a front runner water tank) so that it doesnt take up internal space. I've spoken to a few places about making one, but one company got all enthusiastic and then lost interest, another wanted lots of £££, another said they would do it but then summer came and it ran fine with the SVO simply mixed with diesel.

Tesco have been doing 10 litres for £10. I've got quite a stock so havent bought any for a while, but the deal seemed to run all summer.

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Yes a twin tank. I have a 200Tdi 110 and my diesel tank sits inside behind the middle seat in the middle row. It was a bespoke tank, (externally vented). I bought it about 5 years ago, I can't remember the cost.

I hadn't realised Tesco's were flogging it out so cheap - must go and investigate. Thanks for the tip.



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Only in that it ran fine for the TDi....

I've been thinking about making my own, but can't decide from the thousands of google posts whether its worth it, or which route to even go down...

Not really a sufficient test. Unfortunately, many people think that they can mix a few chemicals in a bucket and call it biodiesel. It's not that simple. For fussy vehicles (Lucas pumps, unit injector, common rail etc) you have to be scrupulous with fuel quality.

There are a few simple tests you can do for conversion and finish. Known to homebrewers as the 3/27, and 50/50 tests.

My biodiesel ran a Volvo V40 (common rail type) for nearly 40k miles. It was still running fine when I sold it on.

Read here if you're interested: http://www.biopowered.co.uk

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I run a 200Tdi with a two tank system, 48,000 miles and counting since a major rebuild.

I run diesel to warm up and then either Waste Vegetable oil, (WVO) or new oil, (SVO). At the moment WVO is about 80pl and SVO is about 90pl from either www.cookingoilsolutions.com or Makro depending on price. All too much detail is at www.jeremymedwards.co.uk.

I understand that any Lucas pump will fail very quickly with anything other than real diesel or heated, 80C, cooking oil.

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