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110 crashing on its boots

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How old is the vehicle? My 1990 Defender thumps and bumps over the road which it has done ever since I bought it 14 years ago and I think it's still on it's original shocks and springs, with the exception of one shock. Don't forget that with the condition of todays roads you'll get a sudden drop when going over drain covers that have sunk or where the tarmac is falling apart.

Does the steering feel a bit more vague than it used to, or the vehicle feel like it's wandering about the road? I found that when one of my rear shocks went you could just start to feel the car steering a little bit to one side.

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Makes you wonder if it's a non-specialist garage fishing for help when they get out of their depth when you get these one-post queries. If it is, it makes the basic understanding of mechanics even more worrisome.

Anyway, it will be the springs at fault - they support all the weight so their failure to keep the axle separated suggests they are too weak for the load. Dampers only prevent oscillations and bushes are just for allowing a bit of flex and noise reduction in the various joints. Unless he meant that there are noises coming from the suspension, but not crashing of the axle against the stops, in which case the bushes are the problem.

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