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The Mrs has broke the car


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Mrs took the disco out last night, no problem starting the car at home and drove to her meeting with no problem, just a small smell of melted plastic.

When she tried to start the car again to come home, nothing, the car did not even attempt to fire. I was at home with the children so could not go too her.

A quick call to the AA and she was delivered safe to home 4hrs later.

Now the AA man says that the starter motor relay has burt out as well as the wiring to the starter motor and more than likely that has also gone.

Knowing how little checks the Mrs said he did, is this possible. I can't afford to waste money buying a new starter motor if its not dead.

Is there any way to test each part? where is the replay in the car can I just replace that and see what happens. I'm useless with wiring but money is tight at the moment. and can't afford for a garage to look at it.

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You should update your profile to include where you are. There are no guarantees, but at least it opens up the opportunity for someone to suggest a good local place, or to take pity and give you a practical lesson in basic electricals.

You should have, or now be looking for, an online copy of the workshop manual which will show you where the relays are, and even where the starter motor is.

I'm saying this because wandering around with a set of jump leads, when you don't know what you are doing, is highly dangerous.

The high current flow available from a battery via jump leads will melt both steel and copper; molten metal causes fires, and burns very deep holes in flesh.

Your very first practical action with the car should be a close visual inspection of any relay, the starter motor, and any associated wiring. It doesn't sound as though you know enough to make a good assessment of the components, but at least you can ask focussed questions, possibly with pictures.

I don't know discos, nor do I know which engine is in yours, so I can't go into any more detail.


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a visual check of the loom and relay board would be a good start. if it all looks fine it most likely is.

most common cause for the starter to not kick in would be a sticky solenoid which is easy to sort so fingers crossed.

i dont want to say the man didnt know what he was on about, but a lot of my experience with recovery companies has been a mis-diagnosis and generally for the worse.

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get a multimeter and unplug the small spade connector on the solenoid and check that battery voltage is present when the key it turned to the crank position. also do a continuity test to ensure that its not shorting to earth

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ahhh just spotted the Auto part of the post. there is an inhibitor switch on the gearbox. it would be a good idea to ensure thats closing the circuit when put into park and/or neutral.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just changed the starter motor, that's to the helpful tech pages.

Only problem is that there is no change in the car. Turn the key and nothing happens.

If the auto box is not in park or neutral then the car would act similar when it was starting, how would I test the inhibitor switch. Getting Feb up with the car at the moment.

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My guess is its the auto inhibitor switch, you will find it loated at the front left hand side of the gearbox (from the under-side) its held in place by a 6mm bolt (10mm hex) and a "U" shaped clamp, connection to the harness is via a circular 4 pin waterproof plug.

Remove it and ensure its plunger is free and not sticking, the internal contacts seldom burn out but a quick check with a multimeter would be a good idea, two connections operate the reversing lights, the other two are the ignition lock-out

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Thanks for the help, looks like i'll be back under the car at the weekend. hope it's a quick and simple fix.

Also a cheap one, buying a starter that is not at fault has put me right in the bad books with the Mrs. I know I should have tested it first, feel rather stupid now.

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