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Good chassis on A 1988

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Hi lads just got a new toy its a 110 hi capacity 1988 it was originally a v8 and now a 300tdi

I have been looking at the chassis and it's in very good condition. I have had 2003 td5 that had a much poorer chassis than this, did they make the older ones with a better grade steel does anybody know??

Many thanks

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My 110 of 1989 vintage has a completely original chassis (well, drivers bulkhead outrigger and radius arm mount have been replaced but not through rust.... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=2641197461596&set=a.1002442133737.374.1005341141&type=3&theater )

I know a few 200 era defenders on new chassis so its probable that the materials arnt so good but Maintenance and local environment play a huge part in chassis life.

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The old ones did have better steel and will outlast most of the newer ones.

The steel was British back then and not some Inferior imported Chinese muck – sorry not meant to offend any newer Defender drivers.

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I have a G reg hicap which like yours was a v8 and now a 300tdi. The chassis was an inch thick with mud throughout but was pristine with no welding and no rot anywhere, even on the original rear crossmember. I couldn't beleive it when a power washed the mud off.

Unfortunatly the chassis was badly bent by about three inches from a jackknifed trailed at some point in its life - looking from the rear it was visibly out of line.

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We have a g plate 90 chassis and bulkhead are original with no welding. My k plate 110 was rotten as a pear and already had a td5 bulkhead. I've seen plenty of rotten td5's. Nuff said.


I think the early one's are better but there are plenty of rotten one's to.

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My 110 86 has never had chassis or bulkhead or anywhere else welded, even all the doors are original , but have just had to start replacing the window lift glass holders , due to corrosion , the body panels are thicker on the pre defender 90s and 110s as well , plus they dont have the carp plastic sticky out door handles . :i-m_so_happy:

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