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Anderson Connector II, the Sequel.


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Have you ever seen some mad idiot running back down the dual carriageway like he's on fire?

That's me normally after I have spotted some float-some and jet-some on the side of the road, pulled over and ran back to retrieve some fallen treasure.

It happened today, I found 2 yellow buckets in different locations, then I found an Anderson connector and leads with a huge piece of angle iron at one spot. Don't know what I will do with them, but certainly worth collecting.



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Must add my tuppence worth, in the past few months I've picked up two very good condition truck rear mud flaps and three weeks ago a complete 16" LR alloy spare (must have fallen of the rear carrier !!!) a month ago I picked up a rear tow bar locking pin in the middle of the road, I then came across the 6x4 box trailer in a ditch about a kilometre further on, on it's side and a total wreak. Just goes to show how many people don't carry out regular checks on their vehicles.

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rrr47, no, the box trailer was totalled, at a rough guess the trailer and vehicle parted company on the LH bend, the trailer heading off at a fair rate into the deep ditch where I found it, the tow frame was bent beyond repair and the axle twisted, both wheels & I assume tyres had been removed along with - if there were any - contents of said trailer and its registration plate.

I'd guess the driver/owner was lucky it parted on a LH and not a RH bend, had this latter possibility been the case the trailer could quite easily have gone head long onto oncoming traffic :o with possibly terrible consequences.

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I picked up a Cat3 tractor link ball the other day and a few years ago I came across a load of IT equipment that had been dumped in a layby. Infact im still using the flatscreen monitor and I have a few server towers waiting for a project!

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How did you spot the link ball whilst driving Chris?

A few years back the guy I used to work for was moving the JS200 on the lowloader along the A50, as he came off the island at sudbury he spotted a massive pile of chains and dogs at the side of the road, it was already too late to stop so he drove all the way down to the next island at Uttoxeter, swung round and came back up to Sudbury. He drew up on the roadside with the beacons on and started to collect up all of the chains when another guy in an artic lowloader pulled up and thanked my former boss for being so kind as to collect all of his chains into one safe place for him to get them back, apparently they had slid off the trailer on his way to a drop and he stopped on the return trip to collect them. We gave the boss some ribbing for months for wasting the best part of an hour and probably 30 litres of diesel for nothing, especially when the other driver was most likely just another opportunist trying his luck

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