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Everything posted by TJ101

  1. Well time will tell, we should know more this time next month But so far been more that happy with the Maggiolina ,
  2. Another duff date, for me !! hey-ho, Note to Mods, this is not OT and a relevant post
  3. Yep,, Sure you wont need it, but best of luck Bish
  4. V8 auto, no drive train breakages whatsoever, in near 3 years ( whisper mode ) Tdi Manual, 2 HD half shafts, + CV joint in 3 months !!
  5. Auto, no question,, The hybrid is auto,, (OK with a V8 in front of it) and took 2 Min's of its first event to feel the difference !! whereas the rangie is manual, (200Tdi) with crawler low gears,, and took 2 Min's to feel the the auto is so much better, Done more drive line damage in 2 events in the rangie, than in 2 years in the Hybrid (and that's not being gentle with the V8 ). so what's that telling you !! As i said to start with,, Automatic, no question
  6. The bearings are shot,, wasting your time, thinking about repairing yourself !! Also need to look into why has it gone again !! Most turbo units are very reliable
  7. Vehicle should have a means of switching on the park lights (side) when the ign is off !! PM Victor as he has a couple of Punto's
  8. My thoughts !! We have survived for nearly 3 years now, with a few tweaks along the line, and the forums seams to have a correct balance which is all down to the work of admin and Moderators alike (Thanks guys) mmgemini has a point, their are other things that people do, and their will be topics that are repeated, their are, after all only so many things you can talk about on the subject of "Land rover's" surely !! but do agree, the search facility should be the first point of call !! Their are OT subject's brought up in the international section, as Night Train has listed, are these what the moderators see as "anyone makes a rubbish post" because i see these posts as making the forum community spirit Maybe it is time to trail a OT section ? but i can see it drifting from the already listed sections ? Can also see Richards (Top90) point, as a "PM sent" post in the sales/wanted section, does tend to define a pecking order, (as i had a couple of disappointed members for items)
  9. Hi,, if talking about the X-Fan Fitting Instructions Si says the bottom hose, even though i have seen loads in the top !! seam fine !!
  10. Yep,, useful As i have just put in a power lead from the front, down the left hand side, then over to the right hand side, to find Landrover had beaten me to it !! d'oh !! Am guessing, but recon late TD5's would be the same ThreePointFive Yep,
  11. Steve,,a tad away from what you are looking for, but a while back, the Hybrid (V8 auto) always gave be cooling problems etc,, Tried a kenlowe, with not a lot of success !! and even they say in the small print, to refit a viscous if you are going to work the vehicle hard, ie towing, etc !! I cured mine with a pair of Mondeo a/c fans, and Si's, X-fan switch/housing etc, As i have very little space behind the rad, the cowing was trimmed down, and now it will tick over all day and the temp will not move,
  12. Mark, The line is protected by a 20 amp fuse, under the r/h seat, in the main box, If it was me, i would use this feed for a cooler box or the like, in the rear as that's were it terminates, and fit a new fused supply for the PC, direct from the battery box
  13. Reef knot Shaun,, can i have a badge too
  14. Sorted, now i have found 10 mins !! It is indeed a "Accessories fused direct from battery" feed from position 2 (Accessory socket) in the under seat fuse box, with a joint connector fixed to the brake servo bracket under the bonnet, somehow, this connector was not making contact, !!! Thanks all for the input !
  15. Hi,, looks the same as the one i had fitted on my old bob tail a few years ago Easy screw to the A post
  16. Amp ?? Base Speaker ?? did i mention, this is for the Defender !!!! Yep stereo was on at the time,, mind you, its not the original LR unit , but does use the org loom etc !!
  17. Now why does that not surprise me
  18. TJ101


    Easy, for the cost of a coffee, borrow the 4 post and rotary pump !!!
  19. 2 points their Badger,, 1 Cable much to heavy for speakers !! 2 Speaker already their fitted with factory supply Def a power supply, just need to find some time, to check the fuse box out, and find a spare unused hole !! But thanks for the input
  20. mmm, "Accessories fused direct from battery !!" Thanks Tony,, No power from it,, either with the ign/engine on or not,, but would be handy, a deeper look i recon
  21. Thanks for looking,, def Black/Purple,, Les,,, do i get a "I beat Western" badge
  22. Thanks James ,,, Not,, thats helpfull !! Ralph, Gawd know what it does ?? Power on or off. lights, fog, Reveres, brakes light, etc, not a peep !! Were you at Caerwent Sunday ???
  23. Thanks,, been their, tried that,, Ign on and off
  24. Just a quick though, before searching for a answer On the 07 110 XS, but probably the same as TD5 Behind the r/hand rear speaker panel, in the back, their is a spare/unconnected multiplug. with black/purple wire,, anyone have a idea what it's function is Clock running Ralph
  25. Well that make's that one a double no-no then
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