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Everything posted by TJ101

  1. Tom.. if you have, as good offroading, down in Cornwall, as the Bampton site,, best you organise a DRD down there for us all
  2. Seconded Steve comments above,, Just the right mixture of challenging surfaces etc, and easy stuff to drive Must have done 7 or 8 at least, of JST's DRD now, shame the next 2 clash with Horsey things
  3. Jim,, well i broke 2 ropes,, but then was quickest on the SS,, suppose that poetic justice So the question is,, Best rope ?? From whom ?? and how much, ie cost and length of 11mm for a pair of 8274's
  4. Make that 4 Mo The Rangie tray has them, and no problems
  5. James, Also used Dyneema and Vectran, which is a brand name of Marlow ropes, use them for halyards and sheets Plasma is a brand name,, for a make of Synthetic rope,, which Andy-T above distributes see See here
  6. Andy My excuse is, that the ropes came with the vehicle,, so not 100% on the care they have had previously !! Believe you are talking to Craig re some "orange" stuff ??
  7. Tony,,, more or less a ditto thread Mine here and i bust 11mm
  8. Hi Bushy,, Think we did the same, ?? too much carp under the front to see, and could not be arsed to dig it out !! will check tomorrow,, Body damage was not too bad,, RH door does not look to good mind !! And 2 new ropes to be ordered, first time of breaking any !! , Down to Darren, dragging the truck round all day,, But thanks mate, great job done !!
  9. Steve,, think most who know, will know !! some form of synthetic rope, and 11mm for challenge events !! Looking like Plasma 12 at present
  10. Ok, after snapping a front and rear yesterday, think it time for 2 new ropes So who's doing deals ??
  11. Bob,, only pic on my camera that Anton had during the day Dawn getting stuck in,,
  12. Again, Taken by Anton Ciderman Looking for Lard ??
  13. Bad day at the office Overall winner Pictures courtesy of Anton,, OEC International
  14. My door seals etc, are fine,, (110XS) must have been the first thing i noticed, over the 06 TD5 i had, that had "daylight" around the door edges !! Some of the advertising blurb, was harping on about how the new steel doors seal better, so they should be sorted, and not fobbing you off
  15. I am so glad i did as well , Only thing i miss is the front panel vents,, certainly nothing else !!
  16. Well, look like i am first back !! James, can i thank you, a far as i am concerned, and am sure the other competitors, will agree, A Excellent event, well organised, well marshaled, good show from Anton and OEC, Punches just about right, certainly no easy ones
  17. All sorted,, Thanks Ashcrofts,, Ready for the first round of the Challenge series now
  18. Seconded !! Run a set with Mack5's on the Hybrid, and another set on the 07 with Boost alloys.
  19. Jim.. In a roundabout way,, are you saying it don't work,, because you have none in there !!
  20. My local dealer is already on the case,, Did mention it, when it was last in, and they of course denied all knowledge !! They now have the Bulletin number, so no excuse, Now where did i put that knocking stick !!! PS Thanks Jim
  21. Think upnover4x4 has some duff info ,,No "lockered & winched up challenge truck" owner has showed interest as far as i know,, No steam to let off, and will not be in the Rangie, just the hybrid,
  22. Yep,, may as well,, So long as the truck finished by then
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