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Everything posted by TJ101

  1. Keep up the good work Matt, Regret i have been tied up here,, till now,, but got the last text 30 Min's or so ago, Maybe speak later,, PS who's on Gold ??
  2. Neil,, Think you may have that the wrong way round perhaps The AWDC cream, may have bagged other Teams Shame though, but still early days,, be good to see you down here B)
  3. Yep,, seam quite a able set of lads for a FUN event
  4. Tony,, great pleasure to announce The Innovate4x4.com Team 3.Innovate4x4.com 1- Ciderman / Rich Sims Mod 2- Steve90 / Orgasmic Farmer Mod 3- Bushy/ Steve Williams Mod 4- D90SV / Chris Able Mod 5- Mile Marker Type R/ ???? Std All confirmed for the August date
  5. Now, I recognized that,, still have the Bikini,,
  6. Tony Thought you had some off scrumps ?? as i still have some of it, if wanted
  7. Can not remember Where / Who,, mentioned it But also heard about someone in Bridgwater opened/starting ??
  8. Evening Tony,, been out most of the day, and just replied to your mail Regret the planned weekend clashed for me with the Royal Torbay Regatta, which is a great shame,, but will be racing instead I am sure is will not be a "disjointed" effort, as 4x4 Adventures will undoubtedly put one another superb fun event
  9. OK,, you posted as i was one finger typing 6 Teams of 5 vehicles Bank Holiday weekend (29/30th August) Camping ?? Organiser ?? Venue(s) ??
  10. Also, i see you have now changed it to 5 cars per team but above you say 6 Am sure we can get 6 teams,, already 4 listed
  11. Tony,, where are these guidelines please Team Agrovate, i believe will have a different club name,, come the day
  12. Tony,, only a couple of points,, earlier, it was stated 5 vehicles per team !! not 6 ??? also don't think its been decided that its only one team per club ??
  13. Thanks Tony,, out of interest,, that first post was sent, a few minuets after your, 20.10 ish,, took near 20 Min's !!! Small point,, are clubs limited to one team ???
  14. Tony,, am sure Innovate 4x4 could scratch together a few off roads types to enter !! subject to date / venue Some merit in trying to used one of James 2-Dayer dates , but feel he wants to enter, so the only chance of competing this year PS,, is it me, or is this forum slow again !!!
  15. Personally think, at least one must be in Standard or +1 , hopefully that will help to keep it a "fun" event
  16. As smo says,, painted , the ones thay have replaced FOC ,,were plated !!
  17. Well, sent them back Friday,, and received a pair by return today Thanks Dave and QT
  18. My replacement set is due tomorrow,, Must have had a half dozen mails from Dave,, so far no quibble whatsoever, and standing by his product, no hesitation to use them again Will let you know,,if i don't see them
  19. As per elsewhere Neil What's the cost of a winch sail now, ?? £20-£25 ??,, so would think, for something as described that worked £25-£35 ??
  20. Stephen,, have the same trailer IW GD105 (? IIRC) about 15 months old now, and never had a problem with the jockey wheel,, has been towed off road a bit, with the quad in,,
  21. Tell me about it,, Not had a chance to strip after the last event,, but betting is another front GKN Shaft,
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