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Everything posted by TJ101

  1. A few tins already loaded Andy,, Looking forward to this one,, See you tomorrow evening
  2. Seconded B) May inject some much needed lubrication into the works
  3. Well, for the challenge event, we have a 0900 start time, both days,, and 12.00 on Friday, IIRC
  4. Will,, tell me about it Hans devise, and helmet,, of which, i have to change already, as the Peltor intercom is useless
  5. Can we be in Team 5,, don't have to do SS13, but SS2 twice
  6. Jase,, don't start me off on the MSA,, What the betting, in a couple of year's MSA spec on helmets will change again, and will need to be Hans compliant
  7. Andy PM on the way Thanks Main comp topic is Here
  8. Ahh, so the threads here then not the other !!! ONE here All i can say,, is i will ignore all comment and suggestions made by Nobby,, he still owes me one after Slindon last year !!!
  9. Unless you are going up Thursday,,??? Up the M5 from Somerset etc
  10. So, its not just me that has not heard a Dicky bird then ?? Also planning to get their around 7-8pm on Thursday,, did hearing something about a drivers brief Friday morning ?? More info HERE
  11. Also making the trip up as entered in the challenge event
  12. If any Innovate or LR4x4 members want's a brew,, call at the Innovate Stand and mention the Password B) "How was Morocco ??"
  13. http://www.landroverworldshow.co.uk/ 6th- 7th June
  14. Last i heard,, You were coming up with us on the Friday ?????
  15. Somehow, dates have always clashed with other things, so, also never been before,, but will be there all weekend this year on the Innovate4x4.com stand
  16. Would if i could get in ?? Tony, am sure you have my details etc POC for the Innovate.com team
  17. Best i put my price up for ours then
  18. Well, i near had a fit,, when the local stealers sent a couple of filters for the Puma,, IIRC about £47 !!!! each,
  19. from yesterday,, Most of the plain was quite dry over the weekend , but a few prats found some places to "play" followed by a call to the wardens
  20. Ben,, i would have thought you would be busy,, Doing your new chassis,, which is sat here, in my yard
  21. ???,, Just renewed our trade insurance,, All of the 4 companies i went to for quotes, all required trade plates,(would now seam to be a trader policy requirement !!) plus full listed details of both the offroad vehicles, to ensure proper cover !! Likewise, if you want them to cover recovery/response etc,, you have to tell them, and pay the adjusted premium accordingly !! They are commercial policies, with a max of 4 years NCB allowed on the road risks They are wise to the wide boys, of covering a mini, and then smoking about in a Porsche or iffy Landrover !!!! All vehicles that are taxed, have to be logged onto the database !!!
  22. Yep, its all on the increase,, Just doing mine now Been with Norwich Union for a good few years, maybe 12 ,, Normally my premiums has been around the £7500-£8000, for the last 3/4 years !! This time the renewal is £9600, and they ain't budging, as yet !!! no change in circumstances !! They are quoting all the reasons that Geoff ans Si mention above, plus the fact, they recon its been too cheap for years etc, and want to get the proper market price !!!
  23. Typical,, Only bought one of these myself, last week, !!! Excellent bit of kit though,,
  24. http://forums.lr4x4.com/index.php?showtopic=37201 Pinned and locked thread as above
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