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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. My work bench drive's me nuts but because of the short length of time I get in the garage I try to make the most of it so tidying up goes right down the list. I must admit work and two kids does stifle progress some what but I have a very understanding wife (she knew what she was getting into when we got together) so I get out there most evenings in return for family time at the weekends.


  2. So engine mounts I cut the td5 mounts off the plates that bolt to the chassis only to find the bolt holes didn't line up later. Then I cut the mounts from the disco chassis with the plan to weld them to the plates yeah right that would be easy wouldn't it the chassis rails on an ibex are about 30mm further apart so scratch that idea and fab them from scratch. I hung the engine in the right place then using the disco mounts I copied the shape only wider and thicker.






    Originally they bolt to the chassis with five M8 bolts but my mounts cover one of these holes and I think they need to be bigger so I've opened them up to four M10's. I've also added a web running towards the rear bolts to stop the plate flexing now the middle bolt is no longer used. Finally I painted them ready to fit on Friday.


  3. The front seats are freelander all I've done is cut off some brackets they will then be bolted through the floorpan and tunnel. I will try to pick up the floor framework but not to worried as the seat belt mounts are separate.

    Thanks for the offer Ralf but I'm using the disco mounts plus I've discovered the chassis rails are further apart then land rovers so I'm fabbing from scratch.


  4. Hopefully it won't need any evolution that said I need to make some wheelarches to cover the disco wheel and tyre combo some paint outside and the bits that aren't polywood inside. The oven is a little tatty but it was free, a net on the other side to keep camping gear in when you open the flap oh and a jockey wheel. The wife designed it and to be fair she'll use it more than me I think she's nailed it pretty good first time.


  5. We bought a sankey in 2012 to cart gear down to morroch bay for our wedding it was the RAF tool box type (triangular) narrow track and an early one at that. The plan was to sell it afterwards but it became useful then the new wife said how about turning it into a camp kitchen as our family was about to expand again and camping is hard enough with one child.

    This is the result of a month and a half of evenings.






    We've just come back from a weekend using it and are really happy with the result. Just a few tweeks the battery didn't quite make it so a second will be added (it's charged from the truck aswell), the watertank/pump has an odd taste (both are second hand) so either a cleaning solution or filter and some catches to the slide out parts.


  6. A hydraulic pump won't have a level plug on it but if there's some kind of extra gearbox attachment in front of it there might be something on that.

    My bad I seem to of completely missed the word hydraulic. Sorry I was referring to the mechanical pto having a level plug having said that the mechanical pto does fill with oil so i guess there's no shortage of oil in that area. Main shaft wear is due to the oil not tracking back down the shaft hence either cross drilling or the splash cups once available.


  7. From memory that tube would only but up to the bolt flange on the pto as the pto only has anything resembling a gallery top and bottom anyway, mind it's a while since I looked at ours. Besides there's a level plug on the pto for oil anyway not that it matters much as they seem to end up filled to the brim.


  8. My uncle jumped a jag nearly 4' in the air having found a hump back bridge at way to much speed. It survived with only grooves in the fuel tank from the landing.. The mini that was following (my dad) didn't fair so well..... So hit it hard and fast you'll be fine... Ok I'm going now.


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  9. First trial fit of the engine.



    So far so good exhaust clears the sump clears prop and axle. It looks like there's enough room for the radiator and intercooler. Just got to sort some engine mounts now I feel some cad (cardboard aided design) coming on.


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