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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. Engine sits in the same place input shaft fits a disco clutch and spigot. You need to move some bell housing studs and countersink/change some of the lower bolts. As for the exhaust down pipe in a nutshell the disco one doesn't fit at all you can either fit a Steve parker down pipe, fit a 300tdi manifold and turbo (moves the exhaust completely fwd) or cut a big hole in the bulkhead and practice your welding and fabricating skills or change the gearbox and move the engine fwd (needs new mounts).


  2. I'm thinking of a slight change of plan I was going to use a td5 loom but A I don't have any interior or chassis loom so I would need to either make or buy those looms and B given that I'm not using a td5 it seems a bit pointless. The td loom I have is old and only really a useful source of cable but I'm about to break the disco for the engine and front axle so the new thinking is use the disco loom but strip out the bits I don't need.

    Also I'm revisiting the idea of using the disco front calipers mainly to save some penny's. Now I know it's possible to fit a disco servo and master onto a defender pedal box but this requires a mod to servo mounting. So I'm going to see if I can fit a disco master on a defender servo.


  3. The bolts used on the Ali covers are long enough it's the ones used on steel covers that are to short. They are m10 from memory but maybe m12 and you can just get them in but a couple are easier if you put them in place before the box goes up. But studs does sound easier still.


  4. A simple 30amp relay is all you need.. Or do it properly and fit a 2nd alt.

    The only problem is if you have a winch you can get a situation where your trying to draw 300 amps across a 30 amp relay I've seen an Albright melted because of this problem.

    Most yachts now use either a split charge diode, second alt or as I have for the ibex a duel sensing vsr which I think drops out if the voltage drops more than the alt can put in (must check it no prizes for where I got it from).


  5. If you use the system you describe you tend to drain your batterys down to the same level before charging them not good with short trips. If however you use a vsr (fitted standard to some early 90/110 and range rovers) to trigger your relay/solenoid (basically what the expensive systems are) it gives the first battery to reach full charge before draining it by linking to the other one (less overall drain). Then there's split charge diodes but that's different again.


  6. My ibex (same length as a 110) is in a 6.5m deep x 5.5m wide garage I have shelving at the back and one side say 0.5m. There is just enough room to walk round it with a 1.6m bench on the other side trust me you wouldn't want any less space.


  7. I need a bigger garage I had to take the crane apart to get it into position to trial fit the gearbox. After a bit of to and fro I've settled for this position it should allow me to use the standard disco manifold and front pipe. I reckon that it should also let me fit the radiator the standard distance from the engine (disco) and I may be able to squeeze the big intercooler I have in front of the radiator subject to it all clearing the steering box. Both front and rear props look to be 40mm longer than standard running length at full droop. Hopefully I can go with td5 90 rear/puma front (need to confirm lengths) on the front and post 02 td5 110 rear on the rear worst case is I make a pair of 20mm spacers.



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