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Posts posted by miketomcat

  1. Also why advertise a Land Rover and then tell the world you are going on holiday? Invitation to the nefarious? You could probably work out where he lives from the pictures.

    EDIT: or the full post code that is stated in the ad!

    You mean like the hundreds of people on facebook "sat by pool in ......" Or "just off to....." Drives me nuts and half of them are friends of mine!


  2. Some progress the wife has decided to go to the gym in the evenings so the condition was take the baby monitor into the garage! The rear frame is all done along with the tank guard so these and some other bits have been galvanized. I've also decided to alter the fuel tank from foers whilst it doesn't sit any lower than a land rover tank the chassis is higher at the back so I'm having a slice taken out of it in line from tyre to cross member. Tonight I've started to skin the rear frame in aluminum so combination of 800mm eBay folder and a hammer I'm quite happy with the results.




  3. Well it just gets better I ordered a new tank . I give it a rinse out as I'm going to put some tank sealer in before I use it in a bid to extend it's life and you guessed it it's leaking around the filler neck weld! Though to be far the guy I ordered it from has promised a replacement pronto.


  4. Is it just me or are 90 under seat fuel tanks rubbish the tank in 45 was new 4 years ago and now it's leaking through both the seam and the bottom it doesn't appear to be rusty. I did consider pouring some sealer in but for the agro I might as well change it. So can anyone recommend a tank/what to do with it to make it last?


  5. Dan I have 33" km2's I think there a very good tyre pretty much as you say they seem to wear quite quick to start (first 3-4mm) then they just seem to sit there mine have done done 15k and about 12mm left. Ash (perv) had crawlers on his bowler great off road but road manners left a lot to be desired he had a lot of wheel wobble over 50mph. Ash his just sold his and replaced with km2's mind he has dropped to 33". The crawlers (35") are 8kgs heavier than km2's (33"). And as for fridge he seems to only drive Eddie to your place and back I haven't seen it out in years!


  6. You could but your problems would start with the joint between grp and metal because there is no approved way of joining them. Also the front has body mounts whilst the grp is more than strong enough to cope with the structural forces you will struggle to find someone willing to sign it off let alone understand it. I have had an MOT inspector looking for rust in a grp monocoque sports car so in short you could do it but I doubt you would get it past the powers that be.


  7. We greatly appreciate all the replys lots to think about and more research required. The bottom line is due to children her current job is unviable because of child care costs so she either continues at a loss just to keep the job or she spends the next two years retraining for something else. Either way it's going to cost us so it's worth looking at all options once again many thanks she hasn't been put off but does understand it may not be realistic.


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