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Posts posted by dailysleaze

  1. It's very common. Sometimes I double declutch when going into second, just to help. Or don't change until the speed has dropped under 15mph. I've tried MTF and Difflock Evo 1. It didn't make much difference.

    I find that the biggest difference is humidity in the atmosphere. Dry days are the worst and wet days are the best, regardless of temperature.

  2. I would replace the discs, they're about £30-40. I expect the rough patches would eat through pads and you always want to err on the side of caution with brakes.

    The hubs should be alright, but it looks like the vehicle has sat for an extended period, and then been driven again to cause the discs to get to that state.

    I've also put the mud guard brackets on the wrong way round - so annoying ;)

  3. In UK law there is no "right" to park a vehicle on a public highway: legally, highways are designated for the "passing and re-passing" of vehicles, pedestrians and animals. Highway-authorities and councils may designate parts of a highway for parking though.

    It's only tolerated because there's nowhere else to put the 30 odd million vehicles in this country.

  4. I swear people spend more time fettling than actually going places, due to this perception being peddled by Foleys et al that your vehicle needs to be able to survive WW3 before you leave the country... Read "Appointment in Zambia" where a couple with no experience managed the trip in a Hillman Hunter...

    There's a large proportion of the population that believe buying the right equipment is as important as "just doing" and learning as you go. All the gear no idea, etc.

    To make a comment on Foleys, this article http://foleysv.com/foley-sv-in-the-press/expedition-prepared-land-rover-defender and from talking to them, gives me the impression that they're not interesting in selling you a load of bolts ons, but give pragmatic advice based on experience. I get the impression there are a few other companies like this, but there are some appalling offenders; typically the ones that spend the most on advertising and peddle blingy vehicles. The type of people who would by the bling also tend to be the people that are all gear and no idea, thinking that somehow looking the part is the same as being the part.

    The rest of just just chuckle to ourselves and look the other way.

  5. I used genuine ALR5055. They had shrunk a bit, so used some Tiger seal to stick once stretched and to make sure the cut outs contoured where they needed to. I had a 1-2 mm gap in some places between the capping and seal, but just filled it with cavity wax.

    Here's how the seal sits.(This is the old one)


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